20. Love ->break up

Start from the beginning

"Did you propose her? "

"no... I went to propose her yesterday.. But i got to know that she is.." i couldnt complete it.. I took deep breath and continued, "She is suffering from blood cancer" my voice muffled at last two words.. I dont know why my heart doesnt want to believe it.. There is this pain in my heart..

"Whatt!!?? " nams shouted with shock.

I said what happened last night..

"What do you want to do now? " nams asked.

"I dont know nams.. I love her.. I cant leave her in such situation.. I want to be with her and support her till her last breath. " i said.

"But rakesh.. Are you sure do you want to marry her? "

"Yes.. I will.. But the problem is.. Will she accept me?? " i said.

"No one can reject you rakesh.. I know she will accept you" nams assured me.

"Thank you nams for the support"

"You know rakesh.. She is so lucky.. Iam not jealous.. Iam so proud of your love.. I understood what true love is looking at you.. Do what your heart says.." nams said with admiration.

I decided to propose her today itself. I dont want waste time anymore..

At evening i went to search for her. She went to canteen with her friend. I went inside and requested her friend to give privacy for us. She smiled and went away.

I sat infront of her.

She seemed to be nervous. Didnt dare to look at me.

I waited for her to look at me. When she didnt i cleared my throat and said.

"Vaishali.. Will you marry me" i said straight without wasting time on any unnecessary words.

She looked at me shocked "ra-" she is about to say simething but i interrupted her.

"I know what you might me thinking. Iam saying all these words out of sympathy right? " i said.

"No.. What i wa-" she again about to say something but i stopped her.

" first let me continue vaishali.." she nodded keeping her right palm on her mouth. "I know it might look like sympathy, but its not so. I dont know whether you observed or not.. I became crazy now a days.. Without looking at your smiling face my day felt like
Moody day. I want to spend everyday with you. I havent felt like this with everyone. Its only you" she is looking at me intently like searching for truth.

" yesterday after hearing his words. I dont want to waste the limited time i have. I want to be with you till the rest of your life.. I really want to marry you.. I know its shocking to you. I dont want to pressurise you.. Take your time.. Decide what your heart feels.. I said what my heart wants to say.. Everything is up to you.. But i will wait for you. " i said. She is looking at me.. But she is in deep thoughts.

I wrote my number on tissue paper and gave it to her." If you are ready to talk, this is my number." she looked at the number i gave. I stood and went out.

After saying everything to her. I felt like my heart is at ease. Even if she rejects me, my love for her wont change. I love you vaishali. Love you till my last breath.

Next day.. I waited for her call.. But i didnt get it.. I havent seen her in college too..

I asked her friend about her.. She said.. Vaishali went to her home due to emergency.

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