Chapter 6: Entry Six

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Sunday ♥ February 9, 2014


"Yanna!" I heard someone calling my name. I cracked my eyes, the sunlight from the open blinds poured through irritating me on sight. "Yanna" Geno nudged me again. "I'm up Giovonni" I snap with a attitude "don't get no attitude with me Mrs. Henn Doggy Dog" he mimicked me laughing. I thought back.... I remember saying that shit all last night! Boy I was on 1,000 I don even remember how I got home or how I got in my bed. Last night was mad real I say to myself with a devilish smirk. I rolled over to face him. "what happened last night?!" I ask. "yo ass almost got beat!" he snapped. I looked at him sideways "why?"

"nevermind .... wassup with this doctor appointment" aw shit! I looked at the clock it was 12 my appointment was at 1:15. "we gotta go" I jumped up feeling sick as shit! I had to throw up I could feel it. My baby disagreed with my choice of drink last night. Never again will I try that shit while pregnant !






We made it to the doctors office and do you not know it was jammed packed. Thank God for appointments. I made my way through the crowd of people to the front desk. "hi I have a appointment with Dr. Livingston" she looked at the computer then back at me "name ma'am". "Yanna Tucker" she glanced back at the screen then dialed Dr. Livingston. "your 1:15 is here...... okay send her back" she hung up the phone and buzzed us in. "second door to your left"

We walked to the back and went where she said. We ended up in a examining room. G took a seat while I laid down on the table. "hello Yanna" Dr.L came in closing the door behind him. He was ready, he had his gloves on I bet he couldn't wait to cause me lots and lots of pain. "hi doctor" I smiled pulling up my shirt. "you ready to get this over with?"

"this pregnancy or this visit" he chuckled. "I'm guessing your the baby daddy?" he say looking at G, while he rubbed some slimy lub shit on my tummy. "that's what I was told" he reply. I glare at him "uh oh. You don't wanna get the misses upset" I thought to myself... if only he knew I was the misses alright... the miss ..... tress! He placed this medal device on my tummy causing my insides to appear on the black screen. He moved it around til finally we heard a faint beating noise, It was our baby heartbeat! This moment was amazing me and G both starred at the screen in aw. "wow look at that" he say pointing to the screen "... see those dots" I squinted my eyes so that I could see anything. "what about them?... isn't it the baby" Geno chimed in. "no sir BABIES!" he say with a big smile. Me and G just looked at each other "wait... what ... what you mean babies"

"twins, you see those two sacs" he pointed again I still seen nothing. "whoa there ..." Geno said standing and leaving the room. I can't believe him! "how can you know this early "

"Well.... it is still too early to be 100% sure but it is a strong possibility you could be having twins because the ultrasound found two sacs."

I rubbed my temples. "are we done here?" I didn't wanna talk anymore. "sure, do you want your ultrasound picture?" I just nod my head yeah and clean my stomach off. By the time I finished he had printed the pictures and wrote out my prescription. "thank you doc" I walked out the room and into the waiting room where G sate. I just walked past him and went to the car.




The ride home was dead silent. So much was going through my mind and all at once. Once in the driveway, G turned and said, "so what we gon do ?" I just looked at him I was so tired of hearing the words 'what we gon do' when NOTHING was getting done. "You tell me, you walking out on me and shit" I folded my arms. "Look... That was just way too much, twins though" he looked out the window. "I was just as shocked and overwhelmed as you were, but I can't get up and walk away now can I ? . . Naw cause I'm the one pregnant!" I shouted. "Bro chill, we need to figure this out and very soon" a text came through my phone. It was my mom, I really didn't need this right now. The text read, "I'll be there on the 20th" I rolled my eyes. "What? Who was that ?"

"My mom" I sighed. "What she say, she good?" he asked concerned. "Yeah, it's just she's coming to town on the 20th and she will want to meet you and all that shit"

"I would love to meet your mother, but I have a business trip that day" I looked at him. He never told me he was going OT. "Since when...." I questioned. "I go to Vegas every couple years to meet with some of my old friends from law school"...... "and to meet a new me?" I unlocked the door and got out the vehicle. He hadn't been back to Vegas since we met, now all of a sudden he wants to visit some of his old boring golf playing ass "friends" from law school? Ok. "Girl! You ain't going nowhere.. Chill" he wrapped his arms around my waist" I looked into his eyes. "What we doing about this thou ?" I moved his hands and placed them on my stomach. I seen a sparkle in his eyes as he rubbed tummy. "I'm torn...." he quickly moved his hands and stepped away from me. ".... Ima holla at you later this week when my new phone come." I placed my hands on my hips, trying my hardest to hold back tears. How did I fall in love with such a coward! He couldn't even look at me! The woman who was carrying his child.

I watched as he climbed back in his car and sped off up the block. I stood there for a moment then I went in the house. I dialed Samara, "Girl I need you!" was all I said when she answered. "I'm on my way" she say simply.




"Twins?! Are you serious" she exclaimed after I had told her everything that had happened that morning. "Yep. He said seen two sacs, but he wasn't 100% sure cause It is still early" she just shook her head. "Damn! So what y'all gonna do? Twins is ALOT of work, you defiantly can't do it alone" she was right , "yeah, that's why I decided to . . . Get a abortion" I put my head in my hands. This was the worse day of my life I swear. I knew I couldn't do it alone and it's sad. I didn't have enough faith in G, to stick by my side through it all. I couldn't do this to myself or my kids and I defiantly couldn't do adoption. Samara stood and started rubbing my back "aww, Yie don't cry!" I couldn't help it though.


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