Chapter 1: Entry One

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Sunday ♥ January 26, 2013

     Sunday was what we called our little "funday". While his wife took her mother to church and brunch, I was taking her man or shall I say our man to cloud nine with this golden pussy. Sundays we established were my permanent days. A lot had changed once this fool had decided to go and get married. Instead  of seeing him whenever I wanted I only seen him whenever he could slip away from her. I didn't like it but I guess this is how things had to be now.

    We would go out, catch a movie, hit the mall, then he would wax this ass. This particular Sunday this nigga decided he would pop up like five hours late like I just wasn't gonna say shit. I glanced at my watch as I look out the picture window of my cozy upscale condo. When I seen Geno's truck pull into my driveway I grabbed my Chanel purse and hurried out the front door to give him a piece of my mind.

"Took you long enough" I say climbing into his Range Rover looking magically delicious as always. "Yeah I know whatever, don't start your shit Yanna" he say with a nasty attitude acting as if I were the one who had showed up hours late to get him. I looked over at him, not only did he have a attitude, this motherfucker wouldn't even turn his head and look at how good I looking for him in this simple but flaming hot strip dress I had picked up with him in mind.

 I looked over at him, not only did he have a attitude, this motherfucker wouldn't even turn his head and look at how good I looking for him in this simple but flaming hot strip dress I had picked up with him in mind

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He was really pissing me off. "So you not gon look my way at all? . . Can I at least get a damn kiss!" I snapped leaning closer to him puckering my lips for a kiss. He slowly turned and pecked me on the mouth and do you not know this nigga had hickey the size of a football field on his neck ?! I grabbed his neck so I could get a closer look at that shit.

"what the hell is this" I snapped knowing a lie was about to come from his mouth. "Bro" he say all dramatic and shit. "Bro what?!" I snapped mocking him. "Bae it's not what you think....."

"I think your wife did it! And I think I'm right .... really G??? Is that why you late too busy pleasing that bitch" I mushed him in the side of the neck.

I was born at night, but not that night. I was beyond pissed because he's always telling me he doesn't really love her like he loves me claiming that he only married her for his image ....... And how they don't sleep in the same bed anymore blah blah blah! Married nigga lies!!!!! I tried to kick his ass out his own damn car. He got out begging and pleading with me. He came over to the passenger side of my car and opened my door.

"Bae you right. I fucked up.... I'm sorry!" I folded my arms.

"Whatever! Fuck you Giovonni" he pulled me out the car. "When?" he smiled licking his pink ass lips. "You always think I'm playing that's the fucking problem you think I'm a joke huh lil boy?" I mushed him in the face this time.

". . . . But when I slap the fuck out of you and yo bitch then I bet yo ass stop playing then . . ." he stepped closer to be "Slap who? . ." I looked away "I thought so! Na I told you what the fuck it is so either you can get yo little black ass back in the car or go back in the house" he looked at his phone, checking the time like always. I wasn't feeling this shit! I walked toward the house, unlocked the door and slammed it behind me. "Stupid bitch!" I heard him say before I heard car doors closing. "Back to you BITCH" I screamed from the living room couch where I sat with my arms folded pouting like a kid who just got told "no" for the first time. He had defiantly ruined my whole day, and had my mood all fucked up plus my hormones was threw the roof, flipping & flopping. I didn't need this shit at all!

All I wanted to do was sleep and after changing my cloths and cooking that's what I did.









Why I wake up to this nigga next to me on the couch, snoring and slobbing all on my Gucci pillows. YES! Gucci made pillows, and they cost a grip too. So for him to just slob on my shit like that was disrespectful! I hated that he had a key to my house, but that was the small price I had to pay . . . For him paying the expenses to move me to Texas & paying all my bills while I try and go back to school. I searched for my phone to check the time, it was going on 1:00am. As much as I wanted his ass to get cussed out when he got home I still couldn't bring myself to let him overslept, cause once she kicked him out his ass would be right over here and I didn't want that. . . no sir. I nudged him "Geno!" he just turned and continued sleeping. I slapped his back "Giovonni" I called again. He jumped up "what?! What happened?" I rolled my eyes "isn't it about time fa you to go home?" he shook his head no and laid back down. "Okay whatever . ." I stood. "Girl if you don't come lay yo ass down!" he grunted pulling the small throw blanket over him. I obeyed not trying to hear his mouth, he turned to face me. "You love me sexy?" his facial expression was serious. He knew I love him but sometimes I swear I hated what came along with loving him! "Yes! . . ." I whined giving in kissing his lips. Staying mad at him was like the hardest thing in the world for me. He smiled before closing his eyes "Better, I love yo crazy ass too!"


"Yes" he replied his eyes still shut. "What are we going to do? . . ."

"Do about what Yanna?" I straight faced his ass. He knew exactly what the hell I was talking about! "The baby Giovonni" I snapped.

Six weeks ago I found out I was pregnant and the news was bitter sweet. I had told him right away & his response was "Okay . . . What you gone do?" Like what the fuck you mean "what I'M gone do ?" like I'm popping babies inside myself, his ass got it twisted and I let his ass know that.... THAT day I cussed his ass out so bad I had to wash my own mouth out with soap afterwards.

Tonight I was hoping to get a better much more precise answer. "What? . . You wanna get a abortion? Cause you don't need my approval for that. . ." I jumped up. He had me fucked up! Abortion was the farthest thang from my mind. This would be my first & prolly last child. I had no intension on terminating this pregnancy at all. "What are we going to do meant how the fuck are we gon raise OUR child with you in her household and me over here by my damn self !" he waved me off. "Actually both are my households since ain't nobody working or putting food on the table round this bitch but me . . . I'm really not trying to talk about the shit anymore thou, I don't understand what you want me to say" I sighed heavy and went upstairs to my bedroom. Fuck it! I'll figure something out like I always do.

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