Chapter 11: Entry Elleven

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Sunday ♥ March 30, 2014

"Thank you soooo much for watching them for me.... I just need some time to think" I nodded my head taking Kai's diaper bag from her. It's been weeks and she still hadn't mentioned anything about her marriage. Just dropping her kids off every other day and that shit was becoming too much for me. I mean I loved my god-babies but ya girl needed a break! 

But the extremely sad expression on her face would make me give in every time. "No problem, I just need you to come get them before six. . . I'm going to dinner with G tonight" her displeasure appeared on her face. "Here we go with this guy again...." I placed a hand on my hip. I just knew she wouldn't dare get on my case about G with all the shit going on with her she still found time to judge my life. ".... I mean .. I'm just saying bitch.. last time we all was in the same room he was choking you like he was Homer and you were Bart Simpson don't blame me for not being so accepting of that clown!" she really went there. "Just have yo black ass back here on time!!!" I retorted ignoring her comment, I decided to be the bigger person. Some things just don't even require a response. She kissed Kai then called for Mal, he came running in like he was some sort of nascar driver  making engine sounds with his mouth "you not gonna say bye to mommy?" she cooed extended her arms for a hug. He folded his tiny arms, "no!!!!!!!" I looked just as shocked as she did I've never seen him act like that.

"Malachi don...."

"Nooooo!!! mama. I won dade" he say with the most heartbreaking expression on his face. I looked at Mar her ass was emotionless. "So you don't hear him?" I scooped Mar up. "Baby I know... I do too" was all she said her eyes becoming glassy. "Wen dade come home? I make dade mad so he leave?" I stepped in "noooo baby it's not your fault ok" I rubbed his cheek. "Your daddy will be back" his face lite up.

"Go back and play Mal" she snapped damn near ripping him out my arms and putting him on the floor. He hurried away and soon as he was out of sight Mar erupted into tears "how dare you tell him lies like that!!!!!! His daddy isn't fucking coming back" I was taken aback by the fact that she was talking to ME like I had done something wrong when she had never told me ANYTHING about their breakup. "Thats not your place Yanna mind your damn business sometimes. "

I was speechless. "...... Geesh.. Mar I'm sorry I didn't didn't know!"

"Yeah... Cause people like you don't care know.... Clearly!" she snaps back. "What fuck you mean 'people like me?'" I understand my friend is going through shit but damn I ain't about to be her punching bag. "PEOPLE LIKE YOU..." I jumped a little. "BITCHES LIKE YOU THAT THINK ITS OK TO SLEEP WITH ANOTHER WOMAN'S HUSBAND..... BITCHES LIKE YOU THAT BREAK UP HAPPY HOMES AND SLEEP LIKE BABIES AT NIGHT" 

"you got me fucked up Mar forreal! as much shit as you talk about me and G's situation!!!! I never fucking go looney on you!! If it was something going on then bitch you shoulda told me I'm your fucking Bff"

"was my bff.... WAS!" she yell going to the back to get Mal. I followed behind her "really Mar? You can talk to me about this what's going on with you?!!!" she stopped dead in her tracks and turned and face me "YOUR A SIDE BITCH YEI WHAT TYPE OF ADVISE CAN YOU GIVE ME!!!!!?" Ohhhhhh hhhhhelllllllllll no! I know this bitch didn't go there I grabbed her by her shirt and pushed her toward the door. " Get the fuck out my house Mar before I hurt you bitch!" she grabbed Mal's hand and picked up Kai's carseat. I waited til she was gone to release the tears that were building up in the back of my eyes. Bitches aren't real! Just presented to be so they can get all the dirt on you and throw it in ya face the moment they get angry.




"..... So then I throw her ass up out my house. I cant believe she talks to me like I aint had her back since middle school fighting off all them big ass bitches" I vented to G but all his fat ass seemed just as uninterested than a little kid at church. I snatched the menu from his hand, he quickly snatched it back giving me a stale look. "Fuck her. That's her life. You ain't no side bitch! You my bitch and I love you & thats all that matters." he snap gently grabbing my chin forcing me to kiss him. "Shut the fuck up that still was my bestfriend" I reply causing a few people to glance in our direction. "Girl you better simmer down, order some of this good ass food, and enjoy your time with big daddy!" I rolled my eyes picking up my menu tryna decide whether I wanted pasta or ribs.

I looked up and my heart nearly dropped as I seen Amber and another chick pointing and walking in  our direction. I nudged G, nearly knocking him out his chair. "What the fuck!!" he grunts continuing to demolish his chicken salad. It wasn't until they had approached the table when he looked up. His facial expression was calm as hell and do you not know this negro was STILL fucking eating! I was about to hyperventilate so many crazy thoughts and senorios running through my head. I pictured her confronting me so many times! Me jumping up, and slapping the shit out of her on sight. G hand rubbing my thigh calmed me down and kept me cool. We both looked at them waiting for one of the two to speak. Finally Amber spoke, "email came to my phone and said you had reservations...... Here" she flipped her stiff hair over her shoulder. "Yeah and we weren't invited?" her flunky added. G laughed and whipped his mouth. "Ashley, I didn't want to invite you to our wedding so dinner it's definitely out of the question" the woman looked at him sideways. "Giovanni don't talk to my sister like that!" I took a sip of my whin/tea, waiting for what was next. "I'm Giovonni's wife Amber, and you areeeeee" she extended a pedicured hand. I wanted to spit in her hand but instead I swallowed my drink and placed my hand in hers "I'm Milan...." I lied.

"Andddddddddd...." flunky spoke. "And I'm in the middle of a business meeting with a potential client and THIS isn't the time nor the place" her sister laughed. "Your full of shit! Like seriously? I'm in the middle of a business meeting" she mocked him "and who the hell wears robin jeans and a polo shirt to a business meeting" Amber looked like she had seen a ghost like she was dead silent like I didn't know if I was fucking Ashley's man or Ambers. "You know what?!" I stood and adjusted my dress. "I don't think I'll be needing your services for my divorce .... It seems you have ENOUGH on your plate" I excused myself from the table and sashayed my little ass away. As hard as that was I managed to leave without breaking up anyone's marriage or before she realized I was the same person who had made a fool outta myself at the doctors office.

After a twenty minute ride home in a uber with the creepiest old man ever I had finally made it home. As much as I would have loved to be able to call my bestest friend and tell her about my night I couldn't because she was obviously In another space right now.


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