Chapter 7: Entry Seven

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Thursday ♥ February 20, 2014
(Yanna's Mama In Media)

I had my "procedure" on 17th and I been balled up in my bed crying every since. I didn't care about shit and I didn't wanna talk to nobody but God! My mom had been calling and texting me . . Trying to get the address to the house but I really didn't wanna see her ass.

Finally after hours of non stop crying I managed to to drag myself out of bed and into the shower. Maybe seeing my mom would be a good for me right now. Even though she couldn't fully know what was going on. Her presence would really make things a lot better. Once out the shower I gave her a call, "Yanna what's going on?! I been calling you every since I left the airport" she snapped. "sorry ma, I been really busy tryna get everything ready for you...." she smacked her lips "now you know you didn't have to do all that.... I ain't nobody special"

"yeah you are mama" I say checking my text and email, absolutely nothing from Geno. "well alright just text me your address so I can get up out this filthy hotel" she say. "alright see you soon..." I shot her my address and got up to start straightening up my guess room.

About thirty minutes later there was a knock at the door. I made my way downstairs to open the door for who I thought was my mother, but was saddened to see Geno standing before me with five bags full of baby cloths and tons of boxes of diapers. "I got some more stuff in the car, and the delivery truck coming later with the crib" he stepped in and kissed me on the mouth "how's my babies?". I was feeling so many emotions all at once! I couldn't breath, I nearly fainted. Geno grabbed me just as I felt my legs giving out on me, "whoa you okay?" tears filled my eyes. "I know this is a lot but I thought we'd go and find us a bigger crib Monday... we gonna need it" he said rubbing my slightly exposed stomach. I couldn't believe my fucking ears. He just kept going on and on until finally I couldn't take it anymore "I GOT A ABORTION!!" I screamed, his smile instantly vanished. "YOU DID WHAT!" a voice said from the door. It was my mother standing there with a suitcase in her hand. This was great!.... just great! Geno walked away, I tried to follow him but my mother stopped me "Yanna Milan Tucker, come here ....." she snapped. I rolled my eyes. This was one subject I would not argue with her about. "Ma please stay out of this!" I reply. She shook her head "damn shame! Show me to my goddamn room......"

"we need to talk" G shouted up the stairs as I was getting my mother settled in the guess room. "i'll be back" I tell her before making my way downstairs.

"about?" I say entering the living room where he sat looking like a sad puppy. "how could you?" was all he said. Everybody was making me out to be the bad guy now when a week ago he was running away from the situation like forest gump. "no you should be asking yourself that!" I snapped. "you left me NO.... I mean ZERO other choice! I wasn't about to sit around looking stupid like always while you decide whether you wanted to be a father or not I didn't have that luxury ! Did anybody ask me 'hey! Yanna you ready to be a mother?' Fuck no!" he stood up towering over me, "you knew I would come around Yanna"

"Well for once I acted based on your actions not off my feelings.... Im so tired of .."

My mother entered the the room hands on her hip "what is all this arguing for?" I sure wish she would just mind her damn buisness. "nothing... nothing" I say throwing up hands up defeated. "well I'm Miss. Tucker" she extended a hand to Geno. "I'm Geno" he reply looking at me. "and I'm done" I say walking away.

I was tired of both of them! I locked myself in on room and just screamed into my pillow. There were three rapid knocks on the door. "what" I yelled. "you okay" Geno asked. "no! Leave me alone Giovonni please"

"baby I'm sorry open the door so we can talk" he pleaded. I almost opened the door until my mother butted in "Yanna grow up and come unlock this damn door" I rolled my eyes. I was done forreal! I grabbed my keys, and stormed passed the two of them on my way down the stairs. "I'll be back" I say as I walk out the front door running right into one of the moving guys "we here to deliver a crib" he say "aaaaaahhh GO TO HELL" I screamed jumping in my car and speeding off.

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