"Blood!" He yells, i glare at the tone.

"Shut it you! you'll get fed when i do." I retort angrily as i sit in the corner in a huff of annoyance, moments of silence pass, before the usual grate of the lock, the tray pushed across the floor before the door is slammed shut again. Quickly eating my food i feel my fathers gaze burning into my skin, but the beast at least is learning to be patient to get what it wants. Finishing my food i stand, walking slowly towards the beast as it jumps to his feet but stays still, watching me intently as i get ever closer.


"Remember, if you kill me you wont get anymore blood again."

"Yes." I freeze at that single word, the voice a mix of my fathers and the beasts, shaking out of the trance i step up to him, tilting my head to the side, brushing my hair away from my neck. Cold breath whispers on my skin a moment before his fangs sink deep and harshly, but the pain that usually assaults me doesnt come, it is a dull ache but it is bareable, i smirk to myself, realising that the beast is learning, that i am controlling the beast without it realising. My father releases me after a while, my limbs feel weak but not leaden like they used to.

"Thank you." I reply as my father turns to head back to his shadowed corner. The lock and door is suddenly slammed open, Dominicus storms in, rolling my eyes i lean against the wall.

"You!" Dominicus shouts, feeling cocky i raise an eyebrow at his tone.


"Yes you! How did they know where i was keeping you?" He yells, grabbing my arms tightly, pain blossoms but i try to ignore it.

"Maybe you have less than loyal followers?" I reply, shrugging slightly, which angers him more.

"I wont let you ruin my plan!"

"I've been locked in here for weeks, pretty sure i couldnt ruin your plan even if i tried."

"No. but you can be my bargaining chip." He suddenly scoops me up, racing from the room, too fast for my human eyes which i quickly close to stop the nausea. When he stops he drops me carelessly to the floor and i open my eyes, the cool night  whips against my skin, jumping to my feet i scan around, realising im stood on some high stone wall, turning quickly im greeted by a majestic castle, talk about cliched.

"Dominicus!" I hear a familiar voice yell, racing to the stone edge i lean over, just making out Byron's furious expression, his violet eyes collide wth mine, they soften slightly.

"Leave this place or i will kill her." Dominicus, grips my arm harshly, i try to pull away, to no avail.

"Give her to us and we will leave you alone."

"No. thats not how this works. you're going to die one way or another."

"If you are going to kill her anyway then why not give her to us and we can save you the bother."

"Oh its no bother really. You see, if i kill her your brother will come, you will follow him to protect him, then i will have all of you slaughtered. Then nothing will stand in our way." I hear Byron growl, realising that Dominicus has the upper hand at the moment.

"Tell Alex not to come! Go back home! Trust me!" I yell over the edge before Dominicus squeezes my throat tightly, till even breathing isnt possible.

"Shut up! you interferring brat!" His hand collides with my face just as he releases me, i fall to my knees, glaring, cradling my face.

"Sir, they've gone."

"Where have they gone!"

"They ran."


"I'm going to kill you." I promise, he laughs, another vampire grabs my arms, forcing me to stand.

"You can try, little girl, you can try." He spins on his heel, walking away, the temptation to use my powers rides me hard but somehow i manage to stop myself. i am dragged away, before the vampire gets annoyed with my uncooperation, he throws me over his shoulder before racing at vampire speed, i kick him hard when he deposits me back in the stone prison.

"I cant believe you're the one thats meant to be our downfall. you're useless." The vampire sneers, i feel my fathers anger directed at this vampire.

"I'd run if i were you." I taunt, head held high, he growls but quickly disappears from the room when my fathers growl echoes around the walls. As soon as the door shuts my father steps into the light.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly, i step close to him.

"Dominicus is going to have a slap back when i see him again." His eyes darken as he sees my cheek.

"Son of a bitch!" I gently lay a hand on his arm, his fangs flash at me before he catches himself.

"It's okay dad, hes going to die soon. We're going to be getting out of here."

"How are you so positive?"

"Because i know myself, i know what i can do and i know that there is someone out there who loves me as much as you love, loved mum." I gently kiss his cheek before heading over to my usual corner, laying on the floor in the fetal position i try to come up with a plan of escape in my head, if my blood does let vampires walk in the sun then hopefully my father will have the ability too, the best time to break out is in the day when the sun is high, then get away as far as we can before the other vampires can come out and play. By then i hope that we will have backup, i know in my heart that Alex is somewhere nearby and he wont leave until i am in his arms again, i feel the truth of that all the way to my soul.

A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now