Top 10 Kingdom Hearts characters

Start from the beginning

Terra is my second favorite character in the Birth by Sleep trio he's a very tough guy. His story in the series is impressive  but not as good as some other characters we'll get into later on. The aspect of his ideals conflicting with his actions, the fall of a true hero yet still fighting against the one who took over his body. This is not even a story about the Fallen Hero this is a story about a guy who was consumed by darkness and is still fighting to get out. I mean he's been possessed by Xehanort for over a decade I'm glad he made a comeback in Kingdom Hearts 3 like its amazing. The only flaw I have with him is that it TOOK HIM FOREVER TO RECLAIM HIS BODY! I hate stories where a hero is in a position to where he can't get out of. But still even at that time Terra vowed to set things right and he did.

Number 8

Coming in at number eight is the main mastermind in this entire series up until Kingdom Hearts 3 he has an interesting backstory and is scheduled to appear in my final season of Video Game Vs Battles where he will fight Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda series and that guy my friends is Master Xehanort.

Coming in at number eight is the main mastermind in this entire series up until Kingdom Hearts 3 he has an interesting backstory and is scheduled to appear in my final season of Video Game Vs Battles where he will fight Ganondorf from The Legend o...

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For those of you who aren't fans of the series let me tell you this, Xehanort maybe an 80 year old man but if you actually play the games you'll fine out that this 80 year old man will the last person you ever fought. I mean this guy is so powerful in Birth by Sleep this man literally speed blitz the absolute crap out of Terra, Ventus, and Aqua and body themed to the ground, he froze Ven an put him into a coma, possessed Terra and made him his vessel, (indirectly) caused Aqua to fall into the Realm of Darkness for over a decade, and was responsible for Eraqus's death. But wait....this is only only the beginning, he became even more powerful in Kingdom Hearts 3. How you might ask? Well because at the end of the third game, Xehanort has control of ALL OF TIME AND SPACE!!!!! With Universal destructive capability he can rewrite all of reality as we know it. Yeah this guy is super tough, he literally put Terra, Ven, and Aqua through over 10 years of suffering. Xehanort is a force to be reckon with, no wonder why Sora was almost his vessel and made him and his friends to save the Birth by Sleep trio. Well he does eventually redeem himself and die at the end but even in that time Xehanort was one of the most powerful villains at his time.

Number 7

For my number seven pick is a character back from the Birth by Sleep trio and is quite similar Sora and Roxas, he basically looks exactly like Roxas so don't confuse the two the only thing that's the same is that they both have the same hair style and voiced by the same guy. While his body was asleep his heart co-exists inside Sora's heart, until Kingdom Hearts 3 to where is heart returned to his body and woke him up. And the person I'm talking about is Ventus.

 And the person I'm talking about is Ventus

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