chapter 3: farian

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I had come back from class and I was really surprised that farian had approached me while I was coming out of the class, farian was amongst the popular boys and you rarely see people like farian talking to me. In evergreen, popularity isn't about having money although it's part of it, but there was some kind of aura that people felt meant popularity, there are ways and things you do that'll give you the popularity tag, but being rich gives you more reason to be popular.

I walked out of class with my backpack and my pen with me, I was silently praying within me to find Tessa my best friend and bonkie(bonk mate), she's in art class, while I am in science. Walking alone down this hall was hell for me, I enjoyed walking along with someone, in order not to appear awkward or more lame than I already am. Tessa is from a rich home, but she's totally different from all these so called popular girls, she wore very expensive but decent clothes to outings and occasional school events like dinner parties, but she takes her education seriously and trust me this girl has the loveliest voice I've ever heard, she sings melodiously in church, she was totally different.

Most boarding schools in Nigeria were said to be strict and had lots of assigned wears for different reasons, but here in evergreen we only had our daily wear for weekdays and of course our normal school uniforms and sport wears for Friday, we were allowed to wear casual clothes on Saturday's and Sunday's. That's the day you'll see girls most especially seniors and the populars dressing like they were looking for husbands, or planning to go for a serious event.

Even with the slightly strict rules they still wore all kinds of indecent clothing's, and of course the occasional light make-up that was definitely smuggled, as make up isn't allowed, although the rules were only very intense on Monday to Friday, but on weekends, our teachers and hostel masters, behaved like we don't matter to them, I don't blame them as our principal doesn't live in the school, assuming she resides here all this won't be happening as she's really strict, even with her being strict, rules were still broken everytime on her watch but to some extent, also most of the seniors in Ss3 and few of my classmates were very familiar with the school staff, so that gave them more reason to misbehave, too much familiarity.
It was even rumored that one senior, senior Mariam was dating the C.R.K teacher Mr abayomi, it was a big deal then, and senior Mariam didn't even care at all, you would see her visit him in the quarters especially during weekends and she would often take food from him when the school prepared awful meals, which happened quite alot.

One time a student said he saw her coming out of Mr Abayomi's office walking funny, she didn't take that well as she found the boy and gave him punishment to cut grass for a week.

I was still looking to see if I'll see Tessa come out of her class when someone approached me, he was standing in front of me and I moved to the side, thinking I was actually blocking his passing.

He smiled a bit, as dimples formed on the both sides of his cheek, he was so attractive, no wonder all the girls behaved silly whenever he was around, well not me ( maybe a little).

" I came to meet you" he said smiling

I looked behind me to see if anyone was there

"Me?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm -" I didn't let him finish

" Farian, yes I know you, everyone in evergreen knows you" I said

He smiled again, O God how can someone be this fine " well i've been seeing you for quite sometime now, what's your name? "

" Blessing" I replied him as I sight Tessa

"Nice, em-, can we talk later I see you're waiting for someone, I just came to say hi" he said still smiling

" Yeah she's here already, em later" I said walking past him, I felt suddenly uncomfortable like I didn't know how to walk anymore, I'm sure he was watching me, I dare not turn back, before I would give him the wrong idea that I was swooning over him, which I was. I joined Tessa and we walked to hostel. I know what she wanted to ask, but she hasn't said anything, I know she was keeping the whole gist for when we got to the hostel.


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