"Not particularly."

Mason went on anyway, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I think you do know where he is. I believe that you do care about him and that's why you're trying to hide it."

"You've got me all figured out don't you," Carter said sarcastically, leaning back against some of the pictures on the wall with his arms crossed.

"He could be in danger, you know. Living a life in the streets? He could be dead." Mason almost felt satisfied at the twitch in Carter's eye, knowing that he had gotten through even somewhat. "Maybe his body is in a bag, in a dumpster somewhere, you'll never know. Unless you do know."

Carter suddenly leaned forward towards Mason, irritation now on his features. He leaned over the counter. "I. Don't. Know. Fuck, do you even understand English? Cyan is a big boy, he can handle his own shit. If he's dead, it's his own damn fault."

"But you would care, wouldn't you? You know, even jail is better than being dead....so I'll tell you what, if you tell me where he is, I'll make some arrangements and pay you any price you name."

"Bribery? What a new low."

Mason just shrugged. If that's what it took, then, Mason would offer anything. "You know you don't want him dead." He said, grabbing a pen and paper and sliding it over to Carter. "So don't let him die."

"Fuck. Off." Carter capped the pen back and slid it back over to him.

"Maybe you hate him."

Carter glared at the detective, his mood sour from the entire interaction. "Don't you have someone else to mess with? I'm about to go home and I'm not going to allow you to stay here."

"No I don't. I want to look around." Mason said quickly, annoyed when Carter dropped his glare and smirked at him.

"And I want a warrant."

"You're honestly going to make me go through all of that trouble?"

"Yes because you have no basis to search my shop other than the fact that I'm Cyan's foster brother and you 'think' that I may know where my missing brother of two years is. I would love to see the judge who would grant that to you. The law is fucked if they believe that's 'reasonable' cause."

It was Mason's turn to narrow his eyes in a glare. "Family tends to protect family in situations like this."

"Cyan is a missing person's case. If there wasn't evidence that I knew where he was when he had first run away, there won't be any now. You're picking at straws and I'm locking up shop." Carter said, not even bothering to allow Mason to get another word in as he headed out from behind the counter and towards the door. Reluctantly, Mason followed after him outside and watched as the man locked the doors.

Mason wasn't finished yet, not by a long shot. He was going to find Cyan rather it was through Carter or anybody else. It was crucial.

"If you ever change your mind about my offer." Mason pulled out a pen from his jacket and the paper, writing his personal number on it and handing it to Carter. "Here's where to reach me. We can protect him you know. No matter what he's done, we can pull strings."

Without a word, Carter shoved the number in his hoodie and walked over to the motorbike that was parked in front of the shop. Not another word was exchanged as Carter turned the bike on and rode away through the darkness.


"Here's your coffee."

Mason tiredly looked up at the barista who worked at the late-night cafe as he sat the drink down. He was a young guy with unruly brown hair and an ear piercing. Something about him screamed 'hip', like someone who would probably attract more business from teens even if he was probably in his early twenties.

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