6-On the airplane pt.4

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We were again at lewis' seat. Lewis was really tired apparently.
Lewis: oh you are here!
Me: ah. I am so sorry that you can not rest because of me.
Lewis: (angrily!) don't say such things! I am a doctor. I studied so many years to help people when it is necessary. As i said please be concerned about yourself! How can you be like ashamed when you have a severe pain?
Me : ok.
Lewis: ok. please lie down again.
I lie down.
Lewis: zahra! Please listen carefully what i am telling you. This painkiller does not have an effect forever. And you should not take any more due to its poisonous and narcotic effect. After one hour the pain will be back again. So you should let me fix the broken nose soon. Because it is easier for you.
Me: (sit still in my place) no please. I beg you. Do you want me to have a heart attack?
Jungkook look at both of us with a concerned face.
Lewis: please let me finish. If you don't do so! How many hours do we have to arrive? 4 and a half hour! It means you should endure the pain for 3 and a half hour! Can you? I know you cant. Here i have some local anaesthesia. I can apply it on your facial nerves. So you feel just a slight pain. And upon arriving i am not sure that there is any doctor in the airport who can use anaesthetics and reset your nose. They probably address you to go to the hospitals! And you know you cant. Or you will lose your flight. And i am sure that the airport medical team take a signature from you because they do not allow people with any displaced fractures or haemorrhage or hit by a 30 kg suitcase to get on the plane! Because it is a risk factor for blood clots to circulate due to air pressure change and causes stroke! So if i reset it now, it is much better than waiting 3 and a half hour!
Me: (my soul left my body) but you know i scream! How can i scream here? With the passengers sleeping?
Lewis: don't worry. We wake them up and we will tell them that is an emergency situation.
Me: (looking for another excuse) what about the instruments? I think you don't have that metal that helps to reset the nose! Or needles for anaesthesia.
Lewis: zahra! I have them all. Because i should be prepared for all of the bad situations mostly fractures! Because they dance a lot and they may break any of their bones. And i think this open wound on your nose needs suture. Because it is bleeding! Do you want to appear in front of your parents with a broken nose and a bleeding wound? They will really panic! Ha?
Me: ( reminding of my father's heart problem) i tell them now so they would not panic.
Lewis: you tell them! Then they should panic every second for half a day straight until they can see you are ok! Cause they cant see you until at least 10 hours!
Jk: he really said the truth! It is more painful for them this way.
Me: but i have not been thorough such medical operations without my parents or at least my mother!
Lewis: zahra! You are an adult now! How old are you?
Me: 20
Jk: oh! I was by myself from 13 until now! I can hardly visit my parents! And i have all the burden on myself from 13!
Lewis: see? Jungkook is like you. then! You should learn to do this alone too. Haven't you been living by yourself for one year until now?
Me: two years! Since college!
Lewis: then it means you are an adult. Have not you been sick in that 2 years once?
Me: no!!!
Lewis: it is impossible
Jk: really impossible.
Me: no i wasn't sick even once!
Lewis: ok! But you have been lived by yourself. You probably cook, buy, sleep, go to bank, go to school by yourself! Maybe even cry by yourself! So you should experience this too. Not always your parents are there to help you.
Me: ( cry at his last sentence) (my parents are not there for me forever! They die some day! Oh god! How can i endure that? Ah i have no other protector except you. Please keep me safe and please make me calm whenever my parents are not there anymore to protect me cause you are the only and the best protector of me and my family!)
Me: ( i say sth in Arabic in whispering, i read two of {Hamd and Qul-ho wallah hu ahad} sura and blow the air with my closed eyes. And i counted saying 10 Salavats ( O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad)
and blew it in the air making a circle ,all in one direction and ask God to protect my parents as always.
Lewis and jk wait for me as they don't have an idea what i was doing!
Lewis: what did you blow?
Me: it is my habit when i ask God to protect my family. I blow it because i imagine that blow reach my parents and God will protect them because i read Quran and i can make myself calm this way. It may be ridiculous to you. (I pout and put my head down)
Lewis and jk: no!
Lewis: no absolutely not! We were shocked because we can not understand what you were doing. Tell me the translation later. I am curious.
Jk: yes! Me too.
Me: what about that when we land we do it then?
Lewis: (thinks) it can be this too! But what is the difference?
Me: i feel safe on the ground more!
Jk: ah! (Close his eyes out of my stupidness)
Lewis: then you should endure the pain for 3 and half hour after the painkiller does not work more! Also you can not get out of airplane by yourself! Find your luggages! And wait in that long lanes to show your backpack and suitcase and get your identity checked! And maybe! (He laughs) they can not recognise you because of your nose and do not let you in! (Laughs hard!) 😂😂😂
Me: no! I am not that bad! I saw myself already in a mirror. What if you give me more painkillers?
Lewis: i already gave the most powerful one. But you should not take more than one a day!!it may cause liver and kidney damage!
Me: i can not decide now. Really. Do not push me. I am not ok. (I feel cold sweat on my waist and neck!) (and i feel soon i will shut down due to shivering out of stress!)
Lewis: zahra! You look pale! Are you ok? Zahra.
Me: yes i am ok. I just feel my BP is low. Cause everything is going dark.
Lewis: jungkook give me the BP device. Zahra. Are you hungary? Huh?
Me: yes! I feel like i say goodbye to this world!
Lewis: don't say nonsense. It is your sugar level. Jungkook give me the rest of her snack and the airplane sandwich. Lets take her shoes off and put her feat higher than her head level. Straighten the chair. So she can lie down horizontally. Zahra! Can you hear me? Do you have problem with breathing too?
Me: (wave my hand at a sign of no) no.
Lewis: i put your feet above so blood reach your brain more. Are u better?
Me: yes!
Lewis: ok. Sit and have some food! Let me measure your blood sugar level!
He grabs my hand, inject a tiny shot to have a blood spot on the device.
Lewis: you are sweating hu?
Me: yes! A lot of cold sweat! I feel my back is wet.
Device rings in a tiny alarm.
Lewis: your sugar level is 63! The normal lowest is 70! Jungkook help her eating her sandwich.
Jungkook reaches to help me sit but
Me: i can do it myself!
Jungkook: she is not comfortable if i touch her. Just she is comfortable with doctors.
Lewis: ok. No problem. (Loosening the BP CUFF) your BP is low too. Lets sit and have some food,
Me: i can sit by myself. Please just make the chair like before.
Lewis: no. You should lie after you eat again to your previous position.
Then he hold and push my back helping me to sit. Jungkook opens my own snack from before. I ate the other toast remained. My head was really light and i couldn't hold it straight.
Lewis: you look so pale due to hypoglycaemia. How many hours have not you eaten?
Me: i just eat breakfast at 4 o'clock and some nuts in my way to budapest.
Lewis: ah! So you took a trip before reaching airport?
Me: yes, i live in a southern small city. It takes 3 hours by car.
Lewis: be careful with your health. If you eat this little is not enough! You know that fainting due to hypoglycaemia is dangerous and can hurt the brain? Or even due to faint you hit your head some where! How a sick dentist can cure her patients huh? (Smiling at me, trying to change the atmosphere)
Me: yes you are right. I was planned to eat lunch on the airplane. I prepared my own lunch too.
Lewis: did you faint like this before?
Me: ah, yes! It was at the end of first sem.
Lewis: why?
Me: (i tell him with the energy left in me) ah,... we had an anatomy class at 8 am until 9:30. I didn't wake up soon and.... i didn't have breakfast. Andddd... After one hour of smelling that bad smell of anatomy dept and sitting still in backless metal circle chairs i feel everything goes dark. And.... I ask my professor to go out. He was a doctor. After i stand up he recognised my pale skin and soon grab my shoulder and take me out to lie down. Ah ...And one more time last year exactly when I was at my dentist's office to learn from his work i nearly faint because i have a very hard schedule on that summer day, ....having two classes before that, ahhh... then i lied down and have some sweets. Then i went ok.
Lewis: so again hypoglycaemia?
Me: yes(nodding my head)
Jk: what is hypoglycaemia hyung (he feel annoyed as he dont know advanced english terms.
Lewis: zahra. Do you know ?
Me: yes
Lewis: answer him then.
Me: low blood sugar level
Jk: ah!!!
Lewis: oh it seems some one really knows medical terminology! (Trying to praise me to feel better)
Me: ( i smile)
Lewis: can you break it down too?
Me: yes! I have learnt many prefixes and suffixes. Hypo means low. Glyc means glucose. Emia means in blood.
Lewis: true! Clap for her! (He also claps)
And we heard a clapping from the front seat too.
Taehyungie's head suddenly appears from front seat.
Taehyung: ah! 😂 hello! Sorry i was listening to you. So i suddenly clapped. Sorry
Jimin: taehyung!
Jimin towards us: sorry after you left he asks me what happens! He really loves the awkward situations and want to experience them. So he forced me to tell him what happens. (Towards me) sorry. I was forced.
Me: ah, don't worry. It is not imp. I don't care.
Taehyung: what? Not imp? 😂😂😂(laughs) i am not imp to you? It is my first time hearing it. You don't care? It is so funny.
Jungkook , jimin and lewis laugh together so hard while taehyung really made a sad face.
I found myself again in another shameful situation.
Me: ah no! No! It is not like that! I meant sth else! Taehyung. I don't mean that you are not imp...
Taehyung: see! (Laughs again) you told me that i am not imp again! 😂😂😂
Everyone laughs even harder at taehyung's trick annoying me and making me shameful.
Me: no! No! Stop it. (While laughing) how can you make fun of a sick 20 year old girl for your own laughing! I didn't mean that. I wanted to tell jimin that It was not imp. Because,...
Again everyone laugh even harder at me since I can not explain my intention without saying, sth is not imp or imp..., they laugh so hard that some of them wipe their tears.
Jimin: ok. It is enough. (While Laughing)
And they stop and continue laughing together again as they see taehyung looking at me.
Taehyung: i am really sad that i lose this story until now! I should really follow this by myself. I lose that bloods and dramatic situations. (He pouts!)
Jimin: taehyung! ( he frowns)
Jk: sorry zahra! He is awkward! He does not mean that he wants to see other's pain. He is just like this! He likes to be in the middle of awkwardness. If you get to know him you know what I say. He loves being awkward.
Me: I know! No problem. Like when he always want to be barefoot and do not know anything named socks what is for!
Jk , lewis and jimin turned their face towards me and go shocked at my precise note from taehyung!
Jk: huh???😨
Taehyung: how did you know that? Hokshi...! Are you an army? (Tilts his head looking at me more serious.
Me: no (nod my head strongly!)
Everybody staring at me.
Me: no I am not an army. (Laughing)
Taehyung: so how do you know that?
Me: uhm. Just i know you and follow your reality shows. Just that.
Jimin: but it is a habit that only armys know.
Me: believe me! I have no feelings towards you. I just follow your news and in youtube and twitter i have seen many facts' videos and funny videos in my free time.
Jk: I asked her before. She told me that i know bts but it is really surprising. Because it seems not imp or exciting to her.
Taehyung: if you are not surprised to see us, then is there any one else remained?
Me: actually yes, I have my own list of people whom I get surprised or even die at happiness if I saw them.
Jimin: then, I was totally wrong. Cause you were not surprised when you saw us, I thought you didn't even know us. Cause if it was anyone else wants a signature or selfie.
Me: no. I know bts well. Cause every young ones do.
Jimin: ok then. I really like this behaviour, not to make anyone scared or annoyed.
Me: I do not know to tell it right now or not. But one of our Imams said: {a real muslim is a person whom, others feel safe, happy and calm near them and people know that there is no harm from him/her towards them!}
Jimin and lewis and jk and tae think deeply at my sentence for seconds and nod their heads.
Jimin: he really said a beautiful sentence
Jk: uhmm(nods his head)
Jimin: you said who said that?
Me: o i can write down his name in your book,
Jimin: oh, pencil? I dont have any. Write on my phone instead
Me:(i grab his phone) IMAM Ja'far al-Sadiq. He was our sixth imam.
Taehyung: oh i should write this down in my notebook, but ,... back to previous subject , you should be a fan to know that about me. 😂
All 4 were looking at me! (Making me a bit uncomfortable. Jimin notices, and soon he continues reading his book.
Lewis: ok , zahra. There is two kind of sandwiches. Vegetarian or chicken?
Me: can i look at them?
(Ok. Both have halal arm.)
Lewis: both of them are halal.
Me: yeah i know, i have flown with qatar 3 times, but i make sure. Ok chicken. Thanks
Jk: so you are not vegetarian!? Cause you ate veg chocolate.
Me: no i am not. To be a vegetarian is dumb!
Jk and lewis: what? ( both shocked)
Me: sorry is there anyone here veg?
Lewis: no.
Me: i am sorry. But some one should tell vegetarians that plants also are alive. They breath and they live. And also know and have reactions if you talk with them. So how can they chop and cook and boil them? They are so cruel among pitiful plants!
Jk, lewis and taehyung laugh together at my fact and their shock replaces with laugh.
Taehyung: i should write it somewhere now! 😂
Jimin: taehyungie. Go back to your seat. Do not make her uncomfortable by your gaze.
Taehyung: what are you saying? Non sense! Look how we laugh together. Read your book hyung!
Me: of course i am not vegetarian. I had a vegetarian friend. Her skin does not heal at a normal pace. And she got patches on her skin everywhere. Her face too. The pimples' effect remains for so many long time! She was really sick and become so impatient and moody for real! Our prophet said who ever dont eat meat for 40 days he/she become impatient and moody and lose temper easily. And others should buy him/her meat if he didn't eat meat for 40 days due to poverty. And in Quran states {that we created animals with halal meat so human can eat its meat as a food. }But some people just ban themselves from the gift that God gives them.  Meat is full of iron, collagen and protein. Every human needs it for their health.

God Ties Our Hearts❤️🔗❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt