Chapter 16

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After the memory ended, I am finally pulled back into reality. It takes me a while to recover but after I do, I notice that I am now in the factory and tied to a chair. I thrash around trying to loosen the only thing that keeps me bound to the chair but it is no use, they are too tight. "So, you finally see what happened? All the pain and torture we had to endure just so that we can arrive at this very moment. I don't understand why you are needed but I guess if you have to be here then this is where your gonna be."

"Please Grayson, Jessica, you don't have to do this." Jessica's laugh is laced with hatred, she responds, "Oh but we do. If you don't make this complicated we might let lover boy go." I look over at Grayson pleadingly but he didn't seem to notice as he leans against the farthest wall staring at the floor. Jessica walks closer and puts her mouth near my ear, "He can't help you and I can't either. Only you can get yourself out, I know you can." She walks away leaving me with one thought, what does she mean? As she gets to the door she says one more thing, "he's in the room right in front of this one." After they leave the room a let out a frustrated cry. My heart sinks at the thought of him being here because of me. I thrash once more, all for nothing. With a frustrated huff, I start to give up but then I remember, I have many powers, some I might not even have discovered yet, what if I can unlock one more?

I focus my energy onto my wrists and think of fire, thinking of the warm red and orange embers engulfing themselves around my wrists, burning the ties off of them. After a few seconds, I am finally free. What happens next comes with no thinking, I levitate myself across the long room and out the door, and instead of attempting at turning the next knob in front of me, I use a force of magic to come from my hands and break the door down with ease. I look on and see Charles tied to a chair, knocked out, in the center of the room. I start to run toward him but I don't hear very far as a man pushes me down. "Ah, y/n what a pleasant surprise." The man says from the shadows. "Who are you," I ask out of breath. I stay on the ground trying to regain the breath that was knocked out of me. I can hear him chuckle in the distance, " No need to worry about who I am. You see darling, your purpose is much greater than to serve this man, whether you see it or not," I go to protest but continues as if I never opened my mouth, "don't try to deny it. He recruited you off the streets because he believes you had powers correct? And you, therefore, unlocked them and joined the fight for a "greater cause." Do you think he looked at you that night and said I love her, let me help?" I look down in slight defeat, maybe he's right. But the second I look over a Charles, I know that this man can't be any more wrong. "No, you're wrong. He does love me, maybe not at that exact moment, but he does now, and that is more than you can ever provide me." I get a running start and levitate myself off the ground, throwing balls of fire at the man. He finally steps into the light, gun in hand, and starts shooting. We battle each other for what felt like hours, me using all the powers I can muster to take this man down, him using all the firepower he had. When he finally ran out of ammo, I throw one more ball of fire that knocks him down to the ground. I turn around to see Charles smiling lightly at me, I smile back. After I run over to him oh untie his bindings and he grabs a hold of my cheeks in his warm hands. "Please my love, never leave me again." I look into his beautiful blue eyes with tears in mine, running down my cheeks, "I would never. I love you," he then pulls me into a deep and passionate kiss, "I love you too." After we finish our quick love-filled exchange, I turn to the man to see him struggling to get off the floor. I walk over to him with purpose in my step and put one of my feet on his chest. "Who do you think you are?" He said in an offended tone.

"I am Legend."

Hey guys! This story has finally come to its end and thanks to everyone who has shown their support even though this book stinks and I went through a whole lot of writer's block for pretty much all of it! Anyways I won't be doing a book two for this in case anyone was wondering. So if you want to see any of my other works make sure to check them out and I will be posting a new book hopefully very soon so stay tuned, love you guys! ~Static_Tears

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