Chapter 15

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As soon as I wake up I get out of bed and rush my morning process. When I finish getting ready I grab my bags and walk back to the front desk with keys and money in hand. "The room was lovely, here's the money and keep the change. Also do you happen to know where Milton's Paper Factory is?" (I made up the factory name) "The factory Is passed that creek to the right of us and down the faded path next to it. I'm sorry to say this but the factory has been closed down for years now." I look at the old woman in confusion. "Why did it close?" I ask. "Well someone would break in almost every year after multiple safety precautions were put in place and would light the paper on fire. Eventually, the owner was tired of losing money due to the replacements he had to make and simply closed it down."

I smile at the woman and say, "Thank you for the information, and for the room. Have a nice day." I walk out of the lobby and down the little path until meeting the street where I make a left. After walking a few miles I finally make it to the little creek and follow the path next to it. As I get further down the path and away from the hotel I get a feeling that I should not be here, but how could I not? I know that what I saw might have just been a dream but was it really? I could find something out here, this could bring me one step closer to stopping all of this. As I arrive, now only a few miles separate me from the factory, I hear that same toe-curling scream that was all too familiar from my dream. I drop my bags and run with super speed. I arrive at the front door in milliseconds only to be grabbed by a pair of soft hands and a somewhat familiar woman's voice whispers, "Look to see what happened to us." I place my palm on the side of her head and am pulled into memory so distant to her that it is almost hazy.

"Lift the can, Grayson! Now!" A man with hair as white as snow said. "I told you I can't do it! Please just let us go home!" The man walks up to the young Grayson and slaps him right across the face. "Don't talk back to me young man! You are pathetic, of all the things we have tried you still can't lift up a stupid can! You are worthless, but I am sure your sister will not disappoint. Go ahead Jessica, give it a try." Little Jessica tries her best but can't seem to lift the can either. The man sighs before signaling toward the glass with his hand. All of a sudden four men two of which were holding needles, came in, causing Jess to scream in fear. "Please don't do this! Gray help!" She screams. Her screams are eventually muffled as one of the men holds a hand over her mouth and uses the other arm to hold her still. One of the needles is injected into her arm causing her eyes to widen and pupils to dilate. She then thrashes around in the man's arms and screams at the top of her lungs, "Jess! Leave her alone! Stop it your hurting her!" Another man does the same to Grayson as he gets injected with a needle as well. His reaction is also the same to his sister. After their screams finally come to a stop their bodies become limp as they fall into a deep sleep.

I Am Legend{Charles Xavier x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon