Chapter 8

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Ok so this is going to be a pretty short chapter because I don't have too many plans for it, but I have an announcement! I am thinking about making an Avengers Preferences book if anybody wants to read it. I let you guys continue reading now!~Static_Tears

I am awoken to the sound of cheers from Charles, a sound I haven't heard in a while. I stand up and get dressed, then combing my hair and putting on some light makeup. Then I walk downstairs to where I heard the gleeful cheer. "Charles, what happened? Is everything..." I pause looking at him with wide eyes. He looks at me with a wide smile as I examine him. He is standing. "How?" I ask, unable to find words to describe my thoughts. "See after many attempts, I finally found the perfect formula to help him walk again. I just simply-"

"I don't need you to explain the mechanics, thank you, Hank," I say sarcastically. "Isn't this great! I mean look, I can walk again!" Charles then starts to walk around a bit and then stops. I shake my head clearly disappointed and then walk to his office, knowing he would follow. I sit in one of the chairs and put my head in my hands, many thoughts going through my head. "What is wrong, darling?" I shake my head again. "What did you give up for this?"

He looks at me with fake confusion written across his face, "What do you mean?"  "Don't play that game with me, Charles, you know exactly what I mean!" I yell, standing up. "I don't understand why you are upset. I thought you would be happy for me." I cross my arms as I know this all might seem bad. "Read my mind Charles, you tell me why I am upset." He looks taken back from my words, shocked.

"Um, no why don't you just tell me." "No, read my mind, Charles!" He walks to the window, raking his hand through his hair. "No." All of a sudden, it registers. "You gave it away, didn't you? Your power." He laughs a bitter laugh. What happened to the Charles I knew, the one I love. "You have no say in what I do. if you don't like what I did, then leave! Just leave!" He says pointing at the door. I flinch slightly as he moves closer to me. Tears start to pool in my eyes, but I try to hold them back. "I love you, Charles," I say as I put my hand on his shoulder. "I guess you should've thought about that before you tried to make decisions for me." He says as he pushes my hand off him. 

The tears finally fall, and I don't care if he sees. I want him to know how heartbroken I feel. I want him to see that his words affect people around him, the ones who love him. But that doesn't matter now, he wants me to leave, so I'll leave. I walk away, up the grand staircase and to my room, the tears falling rapidly the whole way. I walk into my bathroom and slam the door, my body sliding down it, settling me onto the floor. My heart aches, the same ache people have felt since the dawn of time, the pain so foreign to me. Nothing else matters. I let out a hollow growl from my throat and then I scream, all of my walls finally breaking. I smash my fist into the mirror in front of me and then run out of the room, and out of the house, I have learned to call home. I run toward the front gate and collapse under the pouring rain. I lay my back on the cold, wet pavement, wondering if mother nature felt my pain and is crying with me. I cry and cry, feeling like it never ends, and even in my dreams, I crawl up into a ball and cry.

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