Chapter Eleven

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Sapphire POV

Ross turned around in his chair and laughed sitting up straight "Sapphire? I-I wasn't expecting you today, I rearranged it because-"

"I'm here because of this." I said slamming the contract on his desk, I couldn't sleep last night thinking about everything, it was like the contract was glowing on my desk to the point it drove me crazy until I read it.

"What about it ?" He asked motioning for me to sit down, I smiled and took a seat, shaking my head I took a deep breath in, now isn't the time to be his friend, be strict with him, show him you're not to be messed around with. Reading that contract gave me a lot of mixed feelings, the rules ? Make you feel like you're almost a pet, you don't get to speak until spoken to and you do as I say not as I do. Sure reading it did give me a strange feeling and that is the only reason I am here, I kinda liked the feeling, it was nervous mixed in with excitement with my stomach knitting a thousand times but it was different then all the other times it's done that.

"I agree to it-"

"Well that's great, do you need a pen ?" Ross asked making me laugh as I smiled and interlocked my fingers taking a deep breath "I agree to the contract but not all of its terms and I want to change some of them, most of these are bullshit, you said and I quote in the contract the rules are for my benefit and your pleasure, does that mean I don't get anything out of this ?"

He laughed and nodded tapping his fingers on the desk "usually the people I do this with, get pleasure out of it and that's not me being cocky, I get pleasure out of controlling someone, hearing them beg for more, I go crazy for a girl who does exactly as I say and doesn't argue back or question anything, she just stays there and let's me do what I want and hearing her moan while I do it, oh! That gets the motor running but there's people who get the pleasure from being a submissive, they love being controlled, they love being told when they can talk and when they can't, being punished or being teased to the point they can't take it anymore and their whole body shakes from that pleasure." He smirked.

I'm a virgin, I don't know what I like yet and what I don't, Lula just told me if I have an opportunity to do something new right in front of me take it because I don't know when it's gonna come around again or what memories I'll make from it, it could be a mistake or it could be something good.

"I don't want to live at your house from Friday through to Sunday, strictly no relationships, I was confused by that part because you said to me that if I were to agree to the contract we wouldn't be in a relationship as such it would be more of an arrangement, can you explain that one in more detail for me ?" I asked.

"Our arrangement would essentially be a booty call if you want to get straight to the point, I call you and you come to my place, I never come to yours and there's strictly no sharing a bed, you would have your own room and decorate it how ever you like but the point of no other relationships is because you'd be cheating, I don't like cheaters and I don't want to associate myself with them, our arrangement stays between us no one else knows about the contract or it's conditions, therefore if you had a relationship and I decided I wanted you to come round late at night there would be some issues, it keeps both of our lives mess free, any other questions ?" He asked.

"What exactly do you class as punishable acts ?" I asked.

"You are not allowed to touch me, you are not allowed to say my name, you are not allowed to tell anyone about our arrangement, you are not allowed to say no to me, the rules are simple; remember who you belong to, always say please and thank you, respond to most things by saying 'yes sir', your clothing will be of my choice, always ask for permission or wait until I give permission to cum, you will not roll your eyes, when being spanked you count." He smirked looking me up and down.

"Do the rules change in an environment like this ?" I asked looking around his office.

"The only time I expect you to follow those rules are while at my house, while we are here working on the article you are free to do whatever you please, I must say I do enjoy this you, not that I don't like the other version of you but it's nice to know you have a little bit of fire in you." He smiled making me nod "well if I didn't have a little bit of fire I guess it would make me a stone cold
Bitch, I'm sorry I drank alcohol while reading through the contract, I'm not usually like this, before I sign this do you agree to my terms ?" I asked.

"You haven't given me your terms you've just told me the tings you don't understand." He laughed.

Fine then "I don't want to stay at yours over the weekend, I think it's fair if we both agree that there is a possibility of being able to the change that term in the future if and when I feel comfortable to do so." I said making him nod as he grabbed my contract, crossing that out of the list and writing above it in small letters our new and arranged rule.

"Secondly the clothing that you choose for me, i would feel more comfortable if you chose say three outfits and I could choose between the three, they'd have your approval but as someone who doesn't have much confidence and the circumstances of the rules I hardly doubt they would be outfits to help one with low self esteem." I smiled watching him amend the second rule.

"also I want a trial run, one night, say two hours maximum-"

"I'm sorry I can't agree to that one, Sapphire if you don't want to do this you don't have to, I wouldn't lose respect for you and nothing would change between us but that is just one of things I can't change, if you go in, you go all in, there is no sugar coating it, there is no hiding from it." He said making me nod, so if I don't do it will I eventually regret it ? One of two things will happen with this situation, I learn to love it and make amazing memories or I learn from my mistakes, my virginity is something I'm scared to lose it's almost part of my identity I feel like once I lose it I lose a part of myself but I'm going to lose it at some point right ? Why not make it the attractive young guy who has a very strange turn on ?

"That's fair but one more question, what do I get out of this ?" I asked making him laugh as he stood up, walking around his desk he undone his suit jacket and placed his hands on the sides of my chair, leaning forward he bit his lip looking me up and down "me."

I smirked biting the inside of my mouth and nodded looking into his amazing brown, whirl pool of intelligence, power, kindness, attractiveness eyes "can I borrow that pen now please ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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