Chapter Six

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Ross POV

"What's going on ?" I asked walking into my office, the boys all smiled and pointed to my desk chair, rolling my eyes I shut the door and sat down, let whatever intervention begin.

"Who's the dress for ?" Rocky asked, I laughed and shook my head "I don't know what you're on about." I said.

"Addressed to a girl named Sapphire Smithe ? Does that name ring a bell ? She interviewed you." Riker said slowly making me nod "oh her, she said I could help write the article and I thought I would invite her to the charity event which means I would appreciate it if you fools didn't embarrass me-"

"Oh you mean by telling her you have a play room and are into BDSM ? Why would we kink shame you when you scare every poor girl that comes your way ?" Ryland asked making the others laugh.

Yes I'm into BDSM which stands for Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism. In other words they do as I say in a sexual manner, I'm the boss, I'm the one in control, they do exactly as I say. A lot of people get scared when you say that but honestly depending on the person depends on the punishment, you disobey you get punished, you obey and I'm gods gift.

"Better start printing that contract then." Riker smirked.

"Just because you losers aren't getting any-"

"Getting any ? You chain people up and fuck them then spark them with a cutting board, don't even get me started on the whips, whips are for horses to make them go faster and even then you don't hit them hard, how did you turn out so different ? Can't you just enjoy sex normally ? Do you even have sex normally ?" Rocky asked.

"I think I made a sandwich on the board." Riker whispered scratching his tongue.

"No you didn't, it's in the play room which I have the key to always, look we all like our own things don't kink shame me for it, there's millions of other people like me, which means it's selective I don't force the women in there, I don't force them to sign the contract I give them it and let them read it, they then have the power-"

"Until they go into your torture chamber." Ryland said.

"Shut up, did you guys seriously come in here to discuss my sex life ? Isn't that what our Sunday family dinners all about ? Everyone complaining about it ?" I asked.

My family aren't exactly supportive with my sexual choice, but as I said we all like our own things, I like being in control I like submissive people, I like being able to be in control of someone else's body and everyone things that makes me a control freak outside and that I demand how someone looks, I don't the only thing I control is that persons body but only on the play room, outside of it I'm a perfectly normal guy. So yeah that topic gets thrown around and the same question always gets asked why is he like it and we're not. It gets awkward so Mom shuts that conversation down pretty fast.

I don't even get kink shaming ? Sex is a private thing, it's something that happens behind closed doors and yes we should be able to talk about it freely, it's a very natural thing we do it to survive and to release all the shit we go through we fuck it out but what a person does with another person is non of your damn mother fucking business, unless it's to do with you back the fuck up and let us enjoy our lives.

"We wanted to know why you're taking this girl to the charity event ? Normally we all go alone, you're known for going to things by yourself and then leaving with a chick you don't arrive with one you leave with one." Ryland said making me stick my middle finger up at him "look this girl is shy and she has a really good perspective of things, she doesn't want dirt on me okay she wants to humanise me, she wants to write about our summer program and how we're making it suitable for everyone no matter how rich your parents are and she wants people to look at celebrities as humans, I need to gain her trust and it-"

"So let me get this straight, you have a girl who is shy and more than likely has some sort of panic or anxiety attacks and you want to take her to a charity event where there will be paparazzi taking lots and lots of pictures of her and asking her tons of questions just to gain her trust ? You know nothing about this girl and you want to start throwing her in the deep end ? Look there's a week left before the charity event why don't you try getting her more comfortable and I meant normal comfortable not sexually, get more comfortable with her and explain that there's going to be paparazzi, if she really is coming with you then she's about to be exposed to a whole new surrounding, you know just as much as we do that the next morning her pictures are going to be all over the internet in every magazine you can think of." Rocky said making me sigh.

I'm a workaholic, I don't really know how to get to know someone or get comfortable with them, I work I sleep I work I sleep, I don't have a life outside of this place and I'm not complaining because I love my job it's awesome I guess I just wish I could take a week off and live a more normal life and relax "what if I take her on a trip ?"

"That's a little weird dude, just say it's to work on the article, we'll take some of your work load so you can have a couple of free hours with her, then just causally drop hints or ask questions get to know her better, to make sure she's comfortable with you, you gotta make sure she trusts you first." Ryland said making me nod.

"Also I wouldn't mention the whole sex BDSM contact thing, I mean that has me wanting to run for the hills but by the sounds of it she doesn't really feel too comfortable around people, maybe if we got Rydel involved, get her to show her around, warm her up and get a vibe, girls can do that right ?" Riker asked.

"So can guys, you think getting Rydel to show her around would make her more comfortable around me ? Where is the logic in that, she's met me, she's had coffee with me-"

"You also have a dick, look girls make friends in the bathrooms of night clubs, dudes ignore each other like plague, think of it like someone on the inside Rydel can warm her up, see if she can get her to talk about a few things and relax a little, girls bond over really random things, here's what we'll do. You'll contact her in whatever way you do, say she has to come here to write the article, get Rydel to cover for you and say you're in a meeting it's going on a little longer than expected, Rydel shows her around and meets you at your office, take baby steps." Riker said making me nod, he has a good point.

"Best get planning boys."

I'm not gonna lie I totally forgot to update but on the other hand someone did message me and told me that I shouldn't write stories that include sex or swearing as much as I do because the R5family is made up of young people and obviously 50 Shades Of Grey isn't exactly a child friendly thing so I'm just curious are my stories too sexual ? Should I up it ? THIS IS CALLED FIFTY SHADES OF LYNCH ITS GONNA BE SEXUAL

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