Chapter Ten

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Sapphire POV

Lula laughed sitting down on my bed as I chose what to wear. Ross texted me an address and told me to go there, when we looked it up it's expensive apartments so Lula has gone a little crazy and over board with it all and now seems to think he invited me over for sex.

"Get it girl! You gonna get that D, you gonna get that D and spill the T, I'd wear black lace drives the guys craz-"

"He didn't invite me to have sex with him. He said he wanted to show me something that will give me a better insight to who he is." I said shaking my head as I picked up a jumper and threw it on over my shirt, closing my wardrobe I picked up my bag and walked into the living room with Lula following me as I searched for my keys.

"His a ladies man, the only insight he wants to have is a better insight in between your legs sweetheart-"

"He is more then that. We were supposed to continue the interview and he forgot he had meetings so we rearranged. Lula so many people just see him as a 21 year old sex crazed, power motivated player, he has paparazzi following him wherever he goes, so many 21 year olds go to night clubs and leave with girls right ? No big deal that's normal but the minute he does it, it's so wrong. I'm gonna prove everyone wrong, I'm gonna show them that his not a player and that his a really sweet human being who just wants to do what he loves while giving back, his letting me write about his summer school camp thing and for the people who can't afford it ? They're gonna help them, I have never met a CEO who is that hands on, where are my keys ?" I asked.

Lula laughed holding up her hand swinging my keys from her middle finger as she paced back and forth behind the couch "you're defending him quite a lot and you're telling me that a text at 11:45 at night isn't a booty call ? He is an attractive young man who has needs and probably got tired of doing his assistant-"

"Who also happens to be his sister ? How can you make that judgment on him ? You don't know him." I said holding my hand out, this is my chance to prove to our boss that I am capable of working the big leagues, I'm not just some stupid beginner who has no idea what she's doing, I can be professional and I want to be that person who helps others see things better and what better way to do that then taking one of LA's biggest fascinations and showing the world that he isn't the player everyone thinks ?

"Sapphire, baby his the definition of player, it doesn't matter his in the spot light, players like him get noticed but because of how famous he is, it's just other bigger people notice. His never had a girlfriend. He is always seen leaving places with different women. He plays the mysterious card all of the time. He has sex with a woman and then leaves. His not a player because of the amount of women, his a player because of how he acts about it. You're having sex tonight, don't tell him you're a virgin guys get turned off by that." She said throwing me my keys.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I walked out of the apartment, she can't be for real, a player is someone who plays women, makes them think that they care about them and that they mean something and then just drop them when they get bored or see the next best thing.

He isn't like that, I trust my gut a lot and I haven't had a bad feeling yet which is promising, he wants to show everyone that he isn't like that and that he is just like a normal person and his finally ready to show the world that, I just hope he knows that this is gonna go get very mixed reactions.

Taking the 30 minute drive to the apartments, I pulled into the visitors parking lot and walked inside gasping at the futuristic glass interior of the lobby, getting into the elevator I pressed the button which would send me straight to the penthouse.

Walking down the long glass hallway I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, jumping as Mr Lyn-Ross opened the front door smiling "you made it! Sorry it's so late I was on my way home when I texted you, come on in."

"Thanks, do you want me to take my shoes off ?" I asked making him laugh as he shook his head "if it makes you more comfortable then be my guest, can I get you a drink or anything ?"

"I'm fine thank you, so you said you wanted to help me understand you better, what exactly did you mean by that ?" I asked getting straight to the point, if we fall into a silence that then becomes an awkward silence and that's just not what I want because I then become even more awkward and will eventually explode.

He laughed and pointed to the huge dinning room table next to the piano and smiled as he sat down, Okay then....I sat down and raised my eyebrow as he slid over a folder with the word contract printed on it "I'm sorry, I'm confused."

"I mentioned that my 'girlfriends' are part of a contract after you said I was a ladies man and you looked confused by what I said and this will give you a better insight to who I am. The women I sleep with sign these contracts, it's simple in a way, the contract is the structure of the relationship which isn't even really a relationship to begin with it's actually just a sexual relationship with no feelings attached. When they sign this contract it means that whatever happens they can't say that it was forced or a abuse-"

"C-can I stop you there ? Abuse ? It wasn't forced ? A sex contract ? You're saying words that aren't forming anything logical." I said.

He laughed and nodded "it might be better if I show you." He said standing up, slowly nodding I stood up and followed him through into the hall way, bumping into him as we came to a stop I awkwardly laughed and apologised as he took a key out of his pocket and inserted it into the lock "before I show you, you have to promise that you will tell no about this."

I nodded and crossed my heart "Okay, I promise."

Ross nodded and opened the door, I gasped and covered my mouth as we walked into the room painted red. A four poster bed was placed in the middle of the back wall, the remaining walls were covered with different types of ropes, whips and chains, a metal structure was placed in the middle of the room with wrist and ankle bindings hanging from the top and bottom bar "I am a dominant. The contracts state that whatever happens in this room is consensual and they are free to leave whenever, I only do this with women who are into BDSM, some things can be brutal and it takes a lot to take it, when I'm in here I change, I'm their master. When I meet people I get a feeling, and when I get that feeling it means I would like to bring them in here and do what I please but I only bring people in here who have signed the contract, I was hoping....I could really show you the real me."

I looked at him waiting for him to burst out laughing and saying he was joking but for the first time since I met him, I've never seen him look so serious "wow...uh-"

"You don't have to say yes right away, what if you took the contact and you read it over and then you can decide, if you say no, you say no and we carry on like we were, if you say yes, things will become interesting."

I haven't updated this since September which is terrible and I'm sorry, I wasn't really comfortable writing a story that is such a detailed sexual story but I want to get out of my comfort zone and this is way out so I'm gonna carry on with it and I just hope you guys still enjoy it ☺️ and I've been updating my Prince Charming 6 story like there's no tomorrow so every time I update that I'll update this (I promise this time) if you guys haven't checked out my Prince Charming series, feel free to!

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