Chapter One

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Sapphire POV

"Are you sure you're okay staying here all day when you're like this ?" I asked Lula, she nodded scrunching her face up as she drank her lemon tea.

Lula and I work for a magazine company in Los Angeles, there's small departments in every magazine you read; the fashion. the music. the food. the movie critics and reviews. the real life stories. the celebrity stories. Lula and I work in the music, I'm only an apprentice and work inside the office where as Lula goes and does the interviewing, she's come down with a form of the flu and asked our boss if I could do this interview as they've been trying to get it for nearly a year and it's a opportunity that we're probably not going to get any time soon, they said yes and if I do a good job on the interview and the article then I can be promoted.

"I will never ever get used to the taste of this shit." Lula laughed cuddling up into her robe "now there's some rules about this guy, he may be one of the most successful people in Los Angeles but his also the most big headed, his up his own ass-"

"Calm down, read the questions that are on the notebook. I know you're worried about this but have you met me ? I'm going to try knocking this out of the park, you just have to trust me." I said making her laugh as she leaned up to hug me, I laughed and took a step back "oh hell no, you're full of flu do not touch me, you know how easily I get ill."

Lula rolled her eyes and kicked me. We've been living together since she was 18 and I was 17, we met when we were young kids but never became friends until we were 13 years old or so, ever since we've been super close and we decided to move in together as we were working in the same building and on the same floor, we work the same hours and moving in together just made our life that tiny bit easier.

"Okay just remind me of the rules, you fuck this up Saph then they're probably going to fire you, we have been trying to get this interview for months and his suddenly decided to let us do it, the rules are in place so you know nothing burns to flames." Lula said.

I think the term is burns to the ground, I don't think it's possible for something to burn to flames, the flames have to be there for something to burn, my mind goes on little spirals which means I can think of one thing and then it over thinks it and ends up going to a totally unrelated problem, it's really a bother I can't handle too much conversation from it and it makes me really nervous and oh my god if I get nervous interviewing him I'm going to forget the rules and then I'm going to ask him things that aren't on the list, I'll lose my job and then I won't be able to pay my half of the rent and then I'll end up homeless-

"Sapphire!" Lula said slapping me around the face, I gasped and thanked her. I don't really know why my mind goes into a spiral of craziness, it's just always been me I guess, my Mom and Dad paid for me to go to therapy for a few years but all they told me to do was close my eyes, take a deep breath in counting backwards from 10 and to breathe out. I didn't need help doing yoga, I needed help understanding why my mind is big soup of stupid.

It's not always like that I do have a lot of good days, but I can have bad mornings that turn into good evenings so I'm just hoping that this is going to be one of those times.

"The rules ?" Lula asked.

"Don't ask about his family. Everything business related no personal questions. Don't push for answers if he doesn't answer go to next question." I said making Lula nodded as she lightly slapped my face "you've got this." Lula smiled.

I sighed taking a deep breath and nodded "just text me if you need anything or if you feel like you're temperature is going up okay ?" I asked grabbing my bag, Lula laughed and pointed to the door.

Laughing I walked out of our apartment and got into my car heading to Ledcorsair Record Label. Ross Lynch is one of Los Angeles youngest millionaires, his only 21 years old and he runs one of the worlds, not only Los Angeles, not only California's, not only America's but the worlds most successful record label. People from all over the world aim to be signed by them, Ledcorsair Record Label is in the top 5 labels in the world and of course they got first place.

Ross took over the company from his Dad when he was 18 years old, admittedly the Label was doing well for the six months it was open but as soon as a handsome 18 year old took over the business, it bloomed into the amazing Record Label it is today, how he managed it at such a young age no actually knows. No one has ever interviewed him which is why this interview has to be perfect, no fuck ups, no wrong questions, no wrong moves. I mess this up and people are going to act like it's the end of the world.

I walked into the building and gasped at the sight, it's a futuristic building, I'm pretty sure someone is going to drive past me in a hover car.

"Hi, how can I help ?" The girl asked behind the desk.

"I'm here to see Mr Lynch, I'm from LA World magazine. I'm filling in for Lula Smith." I said making her nod as she pointed to some couches behind me "take a seat and he'll be with you in a moment, can I get you a drink while you wait ?" She asked.

"Just a water please." I said.

"Flavoured, sparkled, still ?" She asked.

"Just still please." I smiled, she smiled and pointed to the chairs "take a seat and I'll bring it to you." I nodded and walked over to the seats and sat down, thanking her as she handed me a tall glass of cold water with ice in it.

I pulled out my notepad and started drawing scribbles with my pen calming me nerves, I looked up at the huge clock behind the front desk and was sent into a trance as the second hand tickled around the clock. It's amazing how a clock resembles a heart, each time the second hand moves, your heart beats. Your heart is the clock of your life once that hand stops moving, the beats stop beating. It's also worrying because just like a clock you don't know when it's going to stop working, my heart could stop working right now which would be terrible, or it could stop during the interview and I die and then the police investigate Mr Lynch as a suspect and he loses his entire business..

"Mr Lynch will see you know." The lady from the front desk smiled.

I would just like to clean up a few things: firstly I've never read Fifty Shades Of Grey but I just decided I would try this out, if this goes well I might do a book for each Lynch and Ellington. Secondly I have no idea how this is going to go, it could be incredibly vividly sexual or it could just be mild, not sure just yet. Thirdly I've never written anything like this. So enjoy Fifty Shades Of Lynch!

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