Chapter Four

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Sapphire POV

"I thought you said coffee." I said looking around the huge restaurant, Ross laughed picking up his coffee "I didn't say where."

I laughed and bit the inside of my mouth. I don't go to these types of restaurants! Fancy, rich, millionaires, billionaires, famous people go here, not girls like me.

"So Saph, can I call you that ?" Ross asked making me nod "I-if you want, not many people try giving my name a nickname because they're not sure on to like you know do stuff." I said looking down, stupid sapphire.

"Tell me about yourself, what's your story ?" He asked leaning forward. Boring, sad, slightly depressing with a side of I hate my life.

"Well I uh..was born here in Los Angeles, my grandma got sick when I was three so we moved to Florida, stayed there until I was 13, my parents divorced and I came back with my Mom, I ended up dropping out of high school to help look after her and then I only recently went to college and got my degree and now I work with the magazine." I said looking up at him "what's your story ?" I asked.

He laughed and scratched his neck, looking around nervously "sorry." I whispered.

"No it's fine, as you know I've got four siblings, three older and a younger brother, we didn't have that much growing up and had a lot of hard times." He said finishing the story short.

He doesn't open up a lot and that's why the public see, I don't think he does it to be mean or to be rude he just doesn't like thinking about that time in his life, you know coming from a poorer background and going through those hard times, it stays in your mind no matter how old you get and people judge you for things like that, they judge you based on how much money you have.

"Is there a reason you don't discuss your past and your family ? This isn't like part of an interview and I'm sorry if it seems like I'm digging in something that isn't my place to dig, I'm just curious to why." I said picking up my drink.

Ross laughed shaking his head "I don't discuss it because my past is a rough patch for my family, people will be quick to judge us based on that, we struggled as a family of 7 we didn't have the life style we have now, you know my parents worked two jobs each, my oldest brother was left on charge of us and I think that when people find out about that they would make my childhood look horrible, it wasn't horrible it was my childhood, without it I wouldn't be the person I am today, I don't want people bothering my family about things that should be kept private, you apologise a lot."

I laughed nodding, I always feel like I ask questions I shouldn't and I don't want to offend him I mean his brought me to this beautiful restaurant cafe place and I feel rude asking things but sometimes my mouth runs before my brain and I make myself look like a fool and things get awkward this is my big break, I can't screw this up.

"Sorry." I laughed as he raised his eyebrow "so tell me, what made you want to become a writer ? What made you go I want to work for a magazine ?" He asked.

"I wanted to make people see things different for a perfect example and I mean this without offence most people look at you and think a young, attractive multi-millionaire LA's ladies man is going to be a stuck-up-selfish-jerk, you're not going to care about anyone else, you don't have time for people, I want people to see you as the decent human being that you are, you are just like anybody else you just happen to have a very successful career that pays a nice pay-check, the world is full of judgment and too many people stick by their first impression of someone, there's a lot of bad things going on in the world, there always will be and maybe we can't stop that but if we stopped judging each other we could work together and make the world a safer, better environment for our kids, I spent my entire life being judged for lots of different things and it's given me things, uncontrollable things and things that control my everyday life, it leaves mental and physical scars, I just want to help people, help people see that money doesn't define a person and that we can actually make change when we come together, I'm sorry I'm rambling on and I just apologised again, oh my god stop it, stop it-"

"Sapphire, take a deep breath in and slowly breathe out. You don't have to apologise for everything, but I like you, I like the way you see things and how you want to help people to help make the world a better place, I am having a fund raiser and opening night to launch my new project that I mentioned, I would like to invite you to it and you may report on it if you choose to." Ross smiled.

I nodded "I would love to, w-when is it ?" I asked.

"Tomorrow evening, 6pm." He said making me cover my mouth as I spat my drink out, swallowing I wiped my mouth and looked at him "sorry, I didn't mean to react like that but tomorrow evening, a fund raiser opening night, I-I would love to go but I don't have anything that fits for that occasion, I barely leave the house unless it's for work or coffee, great now I said too much and you think I'm some kind of hermit who doesn't leave the house." I sighed.

"I don't think that at all, I actually think it's reasonable, you work all day and probably when you get home you have to finish things, you say you want to change the world because there's so much judgement and you want that to stop, you can't do that unless you stop judging yourself for things, don't worry if you would like we can go get you a dress, my treat." Ross smiled, I laughed slowly shaking my head "I couldn't possibly let you do that, I'll find something is there a strict policy on what you can't wear ?" I asked.

"Just pretend you're a princess going to the ball." Ross smiled finishing up his drink, I sighed and stood up shaking my head as he put down $30, for two drinks ? That's insane.

"Thank you for the drink, how much do I owe you ?" I asked as we walked out of the restaurant, he laughed shaking his head "nothing, it was my pleasure being interviewed by you today you made it feel very relaxed, this is my thank you, I will send you a text message tonight with the details of tomorrow night, if you need a dress don't be afraid to message me, here's my private number." Ross smiled handing me a piece of paper, I nodded shaking his hand "thank you."

I have had so much problems with this book, it vanished and I have to use my date to update this for some reason but I would like to thank AMERICAHERRERA885 they were so amazing with helping me figure out how to find this story and they're always voting for my stories so THANK YOU!!

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