Chapter Eight

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Ross POV

"So does the sister approve ?" Rocky laughed as Rydel walked into my office and closed the door "approve of what his plans will be ? No, she's too good for him and I mean that in the best way possible. She's actually a really interesting person I learned a lot like how she feels more comfortable around girls-"

" know..likes a bit of pussy ?" Riker asked.

"The fact that I'm your sister and I have to hear that come out of your player mouth really puts me on edge, you guys always make fun of his kinks but no one ever mentions how Riker has different girls every weekend, even though he has a girlfriend which just shows how much of a dick he is. Moving on, she's not going to the charity event with you, she's going with me, she trusts me more and opens up a lot-"

"I've heard that before." Riker said making us all laugh, yeah his a player so what ? His young, his allowed to be wild and it's also another reason why I don't talk about my family in interviews. Riker is the wild card, if any of us were to get arrested for drinking, doing something crazy it would be him not only because his of age but because that's his personality, the wild, goofy always laughing guy who doesn't want to be tied down yet, his safe that's what matters.

"I really hope you find a girlfriend who cheats on you with one of these or your friends." Rydel said rolling her eyes.

"I'm up to try anything." Riker smirked.

"He has a point, whatever we do isn't going to be as bad as tying someone up making it so they can't physically move and fucking them." Rocky said.

They never understand it. They make it sound like I force someone to do it like I rape them. I don't, we have a contract, we have a safe word, if they don't feel comfortable or it hurts they say it and I stop immediately. Once they sign that contract it's them giving theirselves to me.

"You have no knowledge on what actually happens." I said shaking my head "can I carry on or is this bro time where you just talk about fucking all the whores you can get ?" Rydel asked.

"Aww is little Rydelly getting jealous because she's not getting any play time ?" Ryland asked.

"Well the only play time your balls are getting are when I shove them into your throat, unlike you four who feel the need to announce whenever you have sex or even get to finger a girl secretly under a dinner table at Christmas, I keep that part of my life private." Rydel said glaring at Rocky, he laughed and bowed down as Riker and Ryland clapped.

"Alright, you three out before she has a melt down." I said pointing to the door, they all sighed and walked out tickling Rydel as they closed the door and walked down the hall way laughing, shaking my head she sat down and sighed "she's a really good girl and even though you say she's not going to become another one of your contracts, we all know she will and not that there's anything wrong with that, what you like you like, I just think that you need to get out of your head that she will become one of those girls, she's really sweet and nice, her main goal is to make you look human, make it look like you're not some kid millionaire who has nothing better to do with his life besides sleep with every girl left right and centre, so I wouldn't talk about or even mention your interest and honestly I think it would scare her away she might find it weird, but open up to her a little, I know why you don't want to open up about us, you don't have to tell her your life story just enough, she can pick at the smallest piece of information and thats her off." Rydel said making me nod.

It's hard to have a normal life, I'm 21 years old, I'm one of the younger millionaires, but I can't go out drinking without paparazzi showing up and god forbid I walk out of a club drunk, it's like I'm not allowed to live a normal life without being judged for it, millions of 21 year olds go out drinking, they get a little wild do you see them posted all over tabloids and every magazine ? No but because I'm supposed to be one of those people that kids look up to my life has to look picture perfect and I'm not supposed to drink or have fun with my life I'm supposed to be the guy who works 24 hours a day and that's it, even then I get called a workaholic but if I take any time off then my mind isn't focused and I'm not taking my work seriously, I can't win anymore.

"What else did you talk about ?" I asked, I sent Rydel in to calm her down, relax her a bit not to make a new bestfriend. I know that sounds horrible but Rydel talks...a lot I don't want anything getting out. I have to keep professional with this, I've never done anything like this, I don't want people thinking the summer program is some scam or a publicity stunt because it's not, our parents always tried their hardest to get us guitars or keyboards and they always supported us but there are some parents who just can't afford it or don't support their kids and that's what we're doing, if you can't afford it we'll sit down and have a money plan help you through it and affordable. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, if you already know how to play something if you don't, we're showing kids what it's like to be a recording artist or a producer, what happens behind the scenes of your favorite artists.

"I bitched about people and she understood me perfectly, when you said she was shy I was expecting someone who can't even mumble out a hello, sure she was nervous but once I assured her you listen to me she relaxed, and that's why I'm helping in this little project of yours not only because she feels more comfortable around me but do you don't let out any thing you don't want to. Ross you know with this piece you're gonna have to open up a little bit people are going to be asking why is he doing this ? Why is he suddenly coming out and releasing this new project ? What's the catch ? You're going to get two kinds of reactions to do this, you're going to get the people who support you and praise you for doing it, for giving everyone a chance of a lifetime, you're giving kids this amazing experience but you're also going to get the people who think there's something fishy going on, they won't trust you, there's gotta be a catch, you're up to something, it's a publicity stunt, you're only in it for the money, you're making up some poor sob story to make everyone feel sorry for you blah blah blah. Once that piece goes public grab your amour because there's going to be a fight." Rydel said standing up as she tapped on the desk "and you've got your army standing behind you."

Whoo I got some inspiration ! Also thank you so much for 1k reads! I know my updating is terrible on this book but thank you

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