Chapter Two

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Sapphire POV

"Why do you do what you do ?" Mr Lynch asked walking away from the window and leaned against the desk. I looked up from my notepad slowly shaking my head "I-I'm sorry ?" I asked.

"Whenever people interview me, they always ask the same question. Why do you do what you do ? And they never understand my answer so you tell me, Miss Charles, why do you do what you do ?" Mr Lynch asked putting his hands in his pockets.

Well I think the answer depends on the situation, I'm only an apprentice so I do what I do to get the experience I need to be promoted. That question requires an answer depending on what you're doing at that time, some people may be doing something but it's not the thing they want long term.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and avoided eye contact as much as I possibly could without seeming rude "well the majority of the world see celebrities as celebrities not as normal people, when we interview people we try giving the public the proof that there is a world and a life outside of their job, we want people to know their idols as people not just as a singer or an actor or whatever they may be." I smiled.

Mr Lynch laughed "I do what I do because I believe in helping others achieve their success, without clients, without other people I wouldn't be as successful as I am today, I'm giving back." Mr Lynch said.

Nodding I wrote it down and sighed at the next question "skip that question." Mr Lynch said, I looked at him not saying a word "skip it, that question clearly makes you uncomfortable meaning you know it would make me uncomfortable. I don't want nor do I like it when people are uncomfortable here, I try making this place as relaxing as possible. You see Miss Charles, the world is a dark place, we have war going on, we have murders, rapist, terror attacks left right and centre, we have people being killed because of their race, the world is a mess, for those few minutes a song lasts someone is listening and smiling. We're no longer the generation that will change the world, we're the generation that will impact the change. If you can't make a difference be the difference." Mr Lynch smiled.

I laughed scratching my head "w-would you mind if I put the last part in quotations ?" I asked.

"This is your first interview isn't it ?" He asked making me slowly nod, watching him as he took the seat next to me.

"I'm covering for a friend, she's ill. I'm only an apprentice." I said.

He nodded and stood back up, walking back and forth for felt like hours was in actual fact only seconds, in silence thinking about something. When he thinks his features stand out, his jaw gets sharper, his eyes get intense and his kissable lips pout. God damn it sapphire! Snap out of it, that's gross you don't even know the guy, plus his rich you're not, his famous you're not, he drives fancy cars you don't, he probably has cleaners and cooks you have Lula, he has about fifty zeros in his bank account you're lucky if you have two, his hot you're not.

"I would like to take you up on that photo shoot you were on about earlier. I like you Miss Charles, you're brave for an apprentice to take on a challenge of interviewing someone like me, I admire it. For the photo shoot bring more questions, I'll gladly answer them. If you need a ride there I'll happily supply you with one-"

"It's okay thank you though, it's very kind of you to offer but I will be able to attend. I've asked you all of the questions, you're a very interesting man, nothing like the public and tabloids and news reports make you out to be." I smiled standing up.

"You still have a few questions written down, you mark the questions I've answered with a tick, why don't those have a tick ?" Mr Lynch asked raising his eyebrow.

Lula specifically said do not under any circumstances ask about his personal life, strictly business. Why am I such a control freak ? Everything has to be done in a certain order, I make a list and tick them off as I go along keeping myself organised so I can make sure I have time to do things if I need to, you get kind of busy and sometimes you get emergencies come up so when I wake up I start off by writing a list of 15 things to do by 12pm, that's 3 things an hour. I carry on my day like that until I get home and after 7pm I can go and do my own thing but I mainly do more work stuff. I live a really boring life, I'm not really much of a drinker. I'll have a glass of wine occasionally mainly at weddings or an occasion that is classed as formal or a meal. Lula and I go on 'date' night on the last Friday of every month where we just talk and chill out, talk about how work is and just have a catch up.

Even though we live together our time together is actually pretty limited, we both have separate lives to live.

"Just a few personal questions-"

"Shoot." Mr Lynch said.

"Excuse me ?" I asked, did he just say shoot ? As in shoot, ask me the questions ? Or did he mean shoot as in I could shoot someone or maybe, maybe he meant shoot as in, shoot we've ran out of time so its time for you to leave me alone and that way I'll never have to answer those questions in my life and when we do meet again I'll make sure you've forgotten those questions.

"Ask away. I don't like answering questions about my personal life for the simple fact I like to keep it private and the public eye turn anything you say into a huge thing like you've personally insulted them but I trust that you'll write it in a way that it can't be changed ?" Mr Lynch asked.

I slowly nodded taking a deep breath in "is it true you have siblings ? And if so do they have any involvement with the label ?" I asked.

"It is true that I have siblings, I have four siblings to be exact, one sister and three brothers and yes they do have involvement with the label, my sister Rydel helps edit the music videos, throws ideas in, does the make-up and sorts out clothes, she's also known as the music video director. My older brothers Riker and Rocky are song writers, they help new artists who want to write their own lyrics but don't know how and they also write the music for artist who prefer to have writers. My brother Ryland is a DJ and he helps create upbeat songs for artist and actually records with some of the artists here." He smiled.

Wow, I never thought such a personal question could be answered in such a professional way. Many people are unsure if he had any siblings as there's no photos or any interaction with others.

"Thank you for answering my questions Mr. Lynch, it was a pleasure meeting you. The photoshoot will be at 9:30 tomorrow morning, I'll be looking forward to seeing you there." I smiled standing up as he showed me to the elevator.

"Please call me Ross." He said shaking my hand sternly "and the pleasure is all mine." He said sending shivers down my spine.

Chapter two, how is it ? Are we liking it ? Yay or nay ?

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