Chapter 2

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Haruhi P.O.V.

I walk into the club room to be met with the sight of Tamaki yelling at the other hosts that only they knew my 'secret' of being a girl and how it was their duty to protect that secret et cetera. I warily walked over and hesitantly tapped Tamaki's shoulder making him abruptly stop his rant.

"T-Tamaki-senpai, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but someone found out that I'm a girl today."

Everyone stops the moment those words leave my mouth then everyone started screaming and running around besides the sadist and the stoic.

Sadist walks up to me with his famous black notebook in his hand, pen out and ready to write.

"Did they tell you their name?"

"Yes, it was, ummmmm, Hikari, Tsuki Hikari."

"Ahhhh, yes. Tsuki Hikari. Says here he and his older brother, Taiyo, just transferred here and today was their first day. He's in class 2-A along with his brother and is here on scholarship but Taiyo was not. Now this may be a fault in the paperwork but it also says that he's 14 years old."

Hikaru and Kaoru came up to us holding each other by the waist then wrap their arms around my shoulders.

"What does he look like?" they asked together.

"According to this, he's 5 feet tall with dark blue eyes, silver hair, and glasses. Do not harm him but please make sure that he is here. We can't have him going around telling everyone."

"Guys, he's harm-"

The twins saluted Kyoya and ran off, leaving a trail of dust in their wake.


Tsuki P.O.V.

Me and Taiyo were at a lunch table surrounded by giggling and blushing girls. They came up to us while we were eating lunch but Tai-nii decided to flirt with them for the rest of lunch. I was done with my tea and food so I decided to draw for the rest of the time.

I must have zoned out again and missed the bell because I felt someone pick me up. Assuming it's Taiyo, I just carried on drawing my picture of a jellyfish.

I felt him sit me down and eyes on me, but I was too concentrated on my drawing to care.

3rd P.O.V.

The Host Club stopped what they were doing as soon as the twins burst through the doors of the music room with a silver haired boy in their arms.  The boy didn't seem to notice or care about being kidnapped and continued drawing, cross-legged on the floor.

It's not very long but it's something! I finally made a doable(yes it's a real word) schedule and I'm going to try and adhere to it! I will publish on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. And I will write on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

The Two Lights  (DISCONTINUED) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat