Chapter 5 Part 1

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Tsuki was quick to try and calm his brother down as soon as he felt him tense up.

"Tai-nii, calm down. Why are you so angry about him asking us to join? You love to flirt, what's going on with you?" Tsuki whispered, showing his worry through his tearful moonlight eyes.

Taiyo squeezed his adorable little brother even tighter as he growled. "I don't want anyone flirting with you."

Tsuki sighed and ran his delicate fingers through his nii-sans unruly hair, braiding a few strands together as he went. His actions helped soothe his bull-headed Bubba and made him more agreeable.

"Nii-san, I think this club would be good for both of us. I need to learn how to be more social and you would be there to protect me as well as doing one of your favorite pass times, flirting! I have a feeling that Ootori (A/N: I accidentally wrote Potato when I tried to write that 😂😂)  -san will put us in a pairing together, right, Ootori-san?" Tsuki's tranquil voice rolled throughout the room like a warm breeze, mellowing out the Hosts anxious hearts.

Kyoya cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses before addressing the boy, "Of course, Hikari-san. We are in need of more Hosts, and we're willing to accommodate you as much as you need."

"That's good. I know you already know this stuff, Ootori-san, so just tune out if you wish. Tai-nii is allergic to shellfish, so please don't force him to eat it or give him serving utensils that have touched any type of shellfish. He has an epi-pen if something bad happens. I am deathly allergic to almonds, so please don't even eat them near me. I will go into anaphylactic shock if I am given one, so please don't try to prank me with them or something like that. If that happens, you get to pay for my medical bills.  I am partially blind due to an accident when I was little, so please do not remove my glasses for any reason. Please treat my brother, my cat, as well as myself with respect. That is all I ask." Tsuki bowed lowly after making his requests, surprising the teens in the room.

While everyone else was to stunned to move, Hani ran up to the slightly taller male, hugging his bunny to his chest.

"Hi, Tsu-chan!! I'm so glad you could come here and join us! Do you want to have some cake with me?!?" Hani yelled out joyfully, happy that they have a new member and that they were similar in height.

Tsuki became timid and hid behind his much taller brother "for safety." He held onto his brothers sleeve tightly and shoved his face into Taiyo's side. Taiyo, however, smiled at Hani.

"Oh, Tsuki doesn't like cake all that much, but I do! I'll share some with you, that sound good?" He smiled charmingly.

Hani smiled and nodded, stars in his eyes. He dragged the tall teen along with him over to his table and began preparing some cake for them both.

Tsuki was left standing where his big brother used to be, tears in his big Prussian blue eyes as he watched Taiyo smile and laugh with Hani, completely forgetting about his introverted otouto and his struggles with human interaction.

'Taiyo was happy as he could be and that's all that matters,' Tsuki thought to himself, tears running down his face, as he carefully slipped out of the room and made his way to the library.

All alone. 😔😔

Okay, now no one has to fight anyone. I'm sorry it took so long, but I got my first job and had a bunch of family drama. Apparently it takes someone threatening to fight me to get some work done, so feel free to exploit that more in the future. I know it's short, but at least it's something. Sorry😅😅

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