Chapter 5

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Who the hell could it be at this time of night? It's 4 in the morning!

"Hey, Bella?" I opened the door to see everyone.


"We need your help," they were all dressed in their pajamas, untied shoes and messy hair.

"What's going on?"

"Sam hasn't come back," Kyle said and ran his hand through his hair.


"We are going to look for him," Fuse said, putting on his jacket.

"And you want my help?" They nodded. They looked me up and down.

"Is that Sam's sweater?" James asked, confused.

"Yeah," I looked down as I replied, dragging my socks on the wooden floor.

"She was cold so I made Sam give it to her,"

"Yeah she didn't have much so Sam offered his stuff," Kyle commented, rolling his eyes.

"How can I help?" I ask, keeping my voice low as they babbled about Sam and where he would be.

"I'll look around here," I said, taking off my socks and walking barefooted out of the building. The freezing air nipped my bare legs as I walked.

"Bella, wait for me!" Kyle came running after me.

"Sam doesn't want to see me I don't know how I would help,"

"Well considering you grabbed his dick-"

"YOU GRABBED SAM'S DICK!" The others yelled, toppling over each other.

"Yeah, by accident," I replied. They started laughing.

"He sees you as a woman now," James laughed.

"What would he have seen me as before?"

They started talking about the various ways and angles he could see me now. As they laughed I turned to walk away.

"Sammy?" I called. I walked around for a while. I looked at the ground carefully, walking not to cut my bare feet.

"You alright sweetheart?" I turned to see Kyle.

"I'm fine just worried about Sam,"

"I'm worried too but if I know him as well as I think I do then he'll be here," he grabbed my hand and dragged me into a karaoke bar.

"He likes it here?" He nodded.

"Well I like it here," he smiled and guided me to a half fishbowl booth.

"Aren't we going to look for him?" Kyle shook his head.

"I wanted to get to know you better," he scooted in so he was touching me.

"I think I already know enough about you," I looked at his hand on my thigh. "We should go look for Sam," I pushed his hand off and went to the nearest exit.

"Sammy?" As I went through the exit I saw a man in the alley.

"Hey, are you okay sir?" I pushed the guy's hair back to see it was in fact a drunk dude laying in an alley.

"I could be your Sammy if you'll be my Tammy," The man quickly sat up and wiped me onto his lap.

"No! Kyle! Sam!" I quickly got off as fast as I could and started to run to the agency. My bare feet pitter-pattered on the pavement as I ran. I suddenly stopped at the sight of an argument in an alley.

"I told you I'm getting it done,"

"You won't go near her!"

"She triggered it! It's a step back but I'll get it done, I'll seal the deal!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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