Chapter 1

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The world is really a bur. Subways rushing around you people trying to make it from place to place taxis practically parking on the front sidewalks of buildings. People doing the walk of shame across busy streets hoping to not get hit. People screaming and calling for help hoping that the cruel world will cut them a break before they finally crumble. People come to the big apple hoping, with dreams so far off it's hard to see just how desperate they are for validation or the want for attention.

Posting their whole world on the internet and hoping that people feel the same way, or they don't shame them for it. Cruel. Cruel world. Although teenagers living on Park Avenue are usually living the high life with lots of shopping with the nanny and lonely nights working on private school homework they rarely see the life brought on from that, the scandal or the fear it may bring of not being good enough to be above the business.

I walked out of class and looked at the white and blue cement walls that surrounded me. We are trapped here for years. Hoping the day will come when we get to leave this place but grow sentimental as the final days approach, it's weird. I looked around at my classmates talking to one another and thinking about the break and what they are going to do. Before long I found myself running to my best friends Kotti and Iz.

"Bella slow down! It's not ladylike to rush," One of my teachers called. I wanted out as fast as humanly possible. Once my hand finally touched the exit door the horrible thing happened.

"Bella Wilder Please make your way to the counselor's office," I sighed. I didn't like going to my school counselor. His room always had weird chocolates and he was constantly yelling at people, but that was last month. This month we have a new counselor Mr. Fuse. He was good looking for a school counselor, brown hair and kind matching eyes. I don't really find myself as the tall dark and handsome kind of girl or a date your teacher kinda girl, but he's good-looking nonetheless.

I opened my book bag to get my phone when a student came running from some other direction and knocked the things everywhere.

What the hell just happened.

"I am so sorry." We said repeatedly to one another both in a rush to escape the wretched life within the walls of the school "Are you okay?" I asked if we made eye contact when all of sudden he took off with some of my things.

"Hey, kid!" I tried to stand up but my feet came out from underneath me. It's fine. Nothing to worry about just a pen case, wallet, and nothing that can't be replaced and shut down.

"What's wrong?" A brunette student whom I've never seen before came up to me in my panicked state. Pretty good looking I may add. He crouched down staring at me .

"That guy took my wallet, notebook, and pen case."

"I'll get it, just cleaned up here." He bounced away running quickly to the other student. He must be an athlete. I watched him as he ran until he turned the corner. His long legs made it down the hall in no time.

Before I was even done cleaning up He came back with my things.

"Thanks," I said, shoving my things in my bag frustrated, he smiled a flirtatious smile at me. He seemed like he was planning something.

"Anything for a pretty girl like you." He gave me a wink and I rolled my eyes. It's not like he isn't attractive. But I gotta seem like I'm not interested. Maybe I should just play hard to get. What if this is a bet? Get Bella's Snapchat. It'll be funny to mess with her. I rolled my eyes.

I'm not going to be easy even if this is a setup.

"So what's your name?" I asked after ignoring his last comment. He didn't seem fazed at all.

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