Chapter 4

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We got inside a plane to see something I never thought we ever would.

I saw them.

My mom and dad, together, under one roof- well plane but whatever.

"Hey Harper baby," they said at the same time, smiling.

"Hi," my mother turned to Sam, flirtatiously. I stared daggers at her as she reached for his hands. Always flirting to get what she wants, why do I even bother wearing this necklace.

"Thank you for protecting our daughter, Harper wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you," he nodded, taking his hands on to his lap under the table.

"Harper is a very capable person but Okay somethings she can't do on her own," my dad said, leaned over and pinched my cheeks.

"Cut to the chase, what do you want?" I finally said something that was aching at me. "You kidnapped Sam and me, what do you want?"

She gave my dad a puzzling look. "This was the only way I could get you here without drawing attention to you," is all she said and looked at my dad.

I stood up furiously, "You sent a damn limo mom!"

"Don't raise your voice at your mother!" My dad yelled, slamming his hands on a table.

"I want you to come with me," my mother said and smiled a wicked smile after I slowly sat down.

"No I'm staying with Sam," I reached under the table and squeezed his hand or what I thought was his hand. I frantically flung my hand up hitting it on the table.

"You okay sweetheart?" My mom asked Sam to keep his expressionless exposure.

"I'm fine ma'am, but she's right she's safer with me," suddenly a man came in and whispered something to my father.

"Get them out we have to leave,"

"But dad!" The man takes my arms and drags us out of his plane and throws us into a cab.

"I can't believe they would show up like that, getting me in even more danger. What were they thinking they must have the protective instincts of a grapefruit," once I got back to the agency I found myself in Sam and Kyle's room ranting to Him.

"Dude, give them a break at least they wanted to protect you," I rolled my eyes. I flopped onto Sam's bottom bunk. I stuffed my face into a pillow.

"You know what else happened?" I asked while coming up for air.

"No, what?" I stuffed my head back into the pillow as I told him about the hand incident.

"I can't hear you,"

"I accidentally grabbed Sam's dick instead of his hand," I blurted. A fit of laughter came from above me on the top bunk and to our right: the doorway.

"You and Sam seem to be getting along quite well. Should we be expecting sleepovers anytime soon?" Fuse asked curled over laughing.

"It's not funny, it's embarrassing!" I gushed. I stuffed my head back into the pillow.

"That might be why Sam has been in your shower for the past hour," Fuse laughed. I scoffed my shower! That boy is a dead man. I got to my room to see him wet messy-haired snoring on my bed.

"Fuse He is sleeping," I said and they all came behind me to admire the calm sleeping Sammy.

"How much you wanna bet Sam is naked under that blanket," they all started saying random numbers.

"I think he's wearing pants," I said and they disagreed.

"Then Harper pulled off the blanket," I did as I was told and pulled the blanket off a little bit to reveal his sweatpants.

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