[50] Can't take it back now.

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When I woke up the next morning I was still in my clothing from last night, and alone in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and got ready for the day. There was no sound, no movement in my house aside from mine. After I was dressed and ready I made my way out into my living room and I found that I was here alone. I didn't see Chibs' bike in my driveway when I went outside so I just sucked it up and started on my way to the clubhouse figuring I would see him there and maybe he would speak to me. One thing I knew is that I didn't want this to be messy in any way even though it was becoming increasingly clear that it was unavoidable.

I pulled in and parked, getting off my bike making my way inside I could hear Tara's voice as I entered the bar. She looked pissed as she started storming out from the dorms towards the door.

"Tara?" I tried but she just shook her head and kept walking. I noticed Lyla and Opie standing together near the counter so I went over.

"Should I go talk to her?" Lyla asked looking between the two of us.

"What you should do is get that porn slut out of the clubhouse." I bit my lip and looked at the floor when Opie spoke so harsh to her.

"This isn't my fault!" Lyla defended herself.

Opie looked back to her. "No, but if you didn't eat pussy for a living maybe you'd have a better set of friends." My eyes went wide when Lyla's hand came in contact with his cheek and she stormed out after Tara, i assume to try to catch her before she left. Just then Ima came out from the back dressed in the clothes she was wearing yesterday and she shot me a wink as she walked by. I rolled my eyes, gritted my teeth and went after her, grabbing her by the hair and shoving her face down hard on the pool table. I pulled the gun from my cut and Opie grabbed my arm. I shot him a look and he let me go still staying close just in case I did something dumb. I laid the gun in her view on the pool table and twisted her arm up around behind her back leaning in close.

"Can you hear me?" She didn't answer so I twisted her arm causing her to yelp out that she could. "Good. If I see your skinny ass near this place again, I'm gonna shove that gun down your throat and it'll be the last thing you ever suck!" I hissed at her. "You feel me?!" I yelled.

"Yes!" she cried out. I let her go and she glared at me as she rubbed her arm and made her way outside. I put my gun away and looked to Opie.

"He still back there?" I asked in anger. He only nodded putting his eyes on the ground. I stomped off back to the room he always stayed in when he was here and practically kicked the door open as he was pulling his pants on over his boxers. "You have your fun?!" I yelled picking up an ashtray from the dresser next to me and flung it at his head. He put his hands up to block it and I just kept throwing shit that was in arms reach. "Poor little prince!" I yelled throwing a book this time nailing him in the dick causing him to bend over in pain. "Just couldn't take it so you fold at the first time shit gets hard?!" I yelled running over and shoving him. He caught my arms and shoved me back away from him as he straightened back out.

"What I do with my relationship is none of your goddamn business!" He shouted at me coming towards me now. I balled my fist and his him across the face which he swiftly returned in kind. I through myself at him and we fell to the ground grappling around. I rolled over putting him in a headlock.

"Well you stuck your fuckin' nose in mine!" I yelled swiftly punching him in the side. He saw the opening and rolled around locking my arm around behind my back like I had done to Ima.

"Maybe you should handle your shit instead of trying to handle mine!" He yelled as he twisted, causing me to cry out. Suddenly Opie ran in shouting for us to stop and he grabbed me easily pulling me away from my brother.

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