[37] Fall to pieces.

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There was a lot going on at ST. Tomas but I couldn't tell you much of it even if I tried. I remember more than a few nurses coming on while I was laying in a hospital bed, some of them were taking blood, some of them were cleaning and closing the wound on my head but I barely spoke to any of them at all which they chalked up to shock. Thats fine. Thats probably why I wasn't screaming at them and trying to fight my way out of this little room. I brought my eyes up to see a woman standing in front of me, holding a clip board and speaking but I didn't hear her. Chibs was somewhere in this hospital, he was in here and I didn't know how badly he was injured. I should be with him right now. I should be with him. I need to go find him. I have to get up.

"Ms. Teller?" Came the doctor's voice suddenly snapping my attention to her. She smiled. "There we go." She said coming over beside my bed and flashing her light into my eyes to make sure they dilated and reacted. "Can you speak yet?" She asked putting her fingers against my wrist as she looked at the watch on her own. I only nodded and she just smiled more. "Can I get an actual answer?" She asked nicely.

"I can speak." I said in a hoarse voice as she took her fingers from my wrist. "Can you tell me anything about Filip Telford?" I asked as my body began to shake a little. "He was brought in when I was." I told her.

She sighed. "I'm sorry; you know we can only give information about patients to immediate family of the patient." I would have been pissed off any other time for her pulling that stupid card on me, but nothing felt right at the moment. "The good news for you though is that you got pretty lucky. You got out of this without major injury but we would like to keep you over night to keep an eye on you. You did take a pretty nasty shot to the head." I nodded. "Well I'll be in to see you again when you're blood gets back from the lab." And with that she strolled out of my room and I fell back on my bed only to have her peak in once more. "Oh, and this probably goes without saying, but you can't sleep." I nodded again and she was gone. I was half expecting everyone to be here already, but I knew there would be some police questioning involved. An explosion? At the garage no less. The dull pain in my head prevented me from trying to think about it any longer.

"Sonya." Jax sighed as him and my mother came rushing into my room. They both grabbed me up in a hug and Gemma sat next to me on my bed pulling me close to her. "You alright?" He asked.

"Bump on the head." I said pointing to the obvious bandage head band I had now. He nodded and I looked to Gemma. "Did you guys find anything out about Chibs?" I asked.

I watched as they shared a look and then my mother cleared her throat. "Hes in surgery baby." She told me softly. I just stared at her. "I'm sure hes gonna be just fine." She said trying to comfort me. I felt my body go cold again and I sighed closing my eyes feeling a tear roll down my cheek only to have my mother wipe it away.

"Whats the doc say about you leavin'?" Jax asked. I shook my head slowly. "We're gonna find out who did this." he told me with this fearsome determination in his voice. I only nodded now. I was exhausted but I couldn't get any rest now. I don't think I could even if I wanted to, not until after I knew Chibs would be ok.

"Wheres everyone else? Did anyone else get hurt?" I asked trying to clear my throat.

Jax shook his head. "Everyone else is fine. They're all hanging around waiting to see if the two of you would be ok." He looked to our mother. "Give us a minute." He told her. She kissed my cheek once more and then left us alone. "You know we won't be able to hold Clay off this time." He started immediately. "First Otto, now you and Chibs. Hes got the club feeding off this."

I nodded. "Retaliation is indisputable." I repeated his words from the earlier meeting and he nodded. "So what do we do now? You know as well as I do Zobelle is pushing us, hes trying to break us, all of us." I told him.

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