[38] Prison Birds.

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"They're jammin' us," My mother complained over the phone. "Seven figure bail, no court date. Its bullshit!" I sighed.

"Well they got tapes like Rosen said, women and children running for their lives. That kind of shit." I heard her throwing some things in the background.

"We might try to look into a bondsman, but it won't be cheap." She told me. "Even if you, me and Tara put up the houses." I walked out of my house, locking my door behind me.

"I'm on my way out the door, gonna call Laroy from the club house and get him the message Clay told us about." I told her. "See you later?"

She sighed. "Sure babe." I hung up and got on my bike. It had been three days since they carted my brother and the rest of the club out to jail for the Morada bullshit. Chibs still hadn't woken up which scared me even more, but there was nothing I could do on either front. Clay had our lawyer, Rosen, pass me a message that I would have to pass to Laroy for their protection on the inside since the white boys in there wouldn't offer any help to them. Aryan brotherhood was tapped already by Zobelle going to their leaders, the shot callers, and telling them not to offer the sons anything on the inside. This was stacking up to be quite the challenge for me, for all of us.

I went to spend my mornings the way I've been spending for the past two days; at the garage helping out where I could. With most of the guys behind bars we had to keep up the business and handle shit on the home front. It didn't help that Opie was stalking around the place pissed off at all the wrong people. I slipped on my gray work shirt with my name on and went to helping Opie work on a bike that was up on the lift in the garage.

"How you feeling today?" He asked, neither one of us looking up from the work, I didn't answer him. "Heard Chibs still isn't awake, you ok?" He tried again and again I said nothing. "Sonya..." I looked up at the mention of my name and it was his turn to be quiet. He just nodded and went back to what he was doing. The sight of his mother's car pulling into the lot caught my eye and I snapped my fingers at him, gesturing for him to turn and look. He grumbled and picked up the oil rag to wipe his hands and went to see what all of this was about. I just looked on. I watched as Mary told Opie she was going up to the cabin to check on Piney and that she would be leaving the kids here with him for the day. I laughed to myself at how awkwardly he stood there in front of Ellie and Ken and I grabbed a rag myself wiping my hands.

"Hey nerds." I laughed hugging them both.

"Aunt Sonya!" Ken laughed as I picked him up on my back. "We're hanging out with dad today." He said happily. I smiled and looked over to Opie, he still didn't seem like himself.

"Wheres everyone else?" Ellie asked looking around the garage.

I sighed. "They got themselves in trouble, so they'll be gone for a while, but don't worry they left the cool people here." I said nudging her arm. Opie just watched on. "How about me, you guys, and your dad go and take a break and get something to eat in the club house huh?" I asked everyone. Opie looked like he was going to say no, but I shot him a look and he stayed quiet. "Come on Op, we been working all morning." I told him and we all started off into the club house together. I knew he was being a dick to me and Jax but it was no reason for his kids to suffer any more than they already have.

It was actually a nice little dinner together, from what we could make back in the kitchens. It was a little limited though so we settled on sandwiches and a big bowl of macaroni and cheese which the kids thought was pretty good considering. Opie and me watched them playing in the clubhouse for a while.

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