[49] Love Company.

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Waking up in my own bed was a strange feeling for me anymore, it was like I always expect to wake up at the club, a hospital, surprises. Gotta love them. I was kind of in a daze while I was getting dressed, Chibs took a shower, met in the kitchen for some coffee and then we just headed to the club where we both knew more interesting things were going on. Is it wrong to say that comfortable was getting a little mundane for me? It was like the club was beginning to take over the larger part of my life, like I didn't know what else I was supposed to do. I have my doctorate, but I was doing nothing with it but catering to everyone around me. I did want to be a doctor to help people but now I'm in a gang in my home town...wow.

Clay was sitting just outside the clubhouse doors at the picnic table that had been sitting there along with a few other of the guys, Juice being one of them, his face still bruised and cut from the dudes that jumped him. I felt for him I did, I knew how it made him look to the other guys. I guess I was treated differently from the start and it didn't really show til Juice had his cut taken from him and lost a bag of the drugs we got from Piney's 'friend'. Chibs told me he was going inside and I leaned against the table lighting a smoke and waiting for something to happen. We had Abel to get and bring home, the IRA to deal with, and now me and Jackson had our own little side project going on with Stahl. Full dance cards all around. I was a little surprised to see Chucky bringing out a couple of beers and he smiled when he saw me.

"You need anything Sonya?" He asked. He was always so cheerful, like nothing could phase him. I shook my head and he went back to whatever he was doing inside. I guess he officially works here now, not that we could ever tell him no. He really has done a lot for the MC, lost a lot.

Suddenly from the door came Bobby just ending a phone call and behind him, Jackson and Chibs. Chibs came over to stand beside me and draped his arm around my shoulder and I couldn't explain it but I felt like property at the moment. Not that it was different from any other time he did this. I pushed the thought from my mind as Bobby started speaking to us all. "10 grand we sent Serg's guy in Vancouver? Gone." Opie got very upset at that. He jumped up from his chair and through his beer across the lot. Jax told me that he put up the money for them to hire this guy. When he came back over I moved away from Chibs and patted Op's shoulder trying to show that I was sorry it ended up like it did.

"And the money we made on the roid was in the bag the mexicans stole from this idiot." Chibs said dramatically leaning across the table to point at Juice.

"Come on now, he was jumped." I interjected.

Chibs just looked at me. I knew he could see how much this all bothered Juice, why would he push so hard. "Don't change anythin' does it lovie? Still lost it." He turned his sights away from me and put them back on Juice. The look he gave him was something I hadn't seen from him before. I would have to make it a point to ask him about all of this later. But like I said we had way more important things going on.

"We're tapped. We have a VERY expensive excursion in front of us." Bobby started again. I could see he was becoming less and less phased by everyone's personal shit. I couldn't blame him.

"What about the other drugs?" My brother nodded to Juice.

He shrugged. "No street value. Black market scripts need a way into the clinics." He informed Jax.

"We blow off that bail hearing this afternoon we're underground. Its gonna be a little hard to earn." Clay reminded us all. Well, I wasn't the one being taken to court, but I would be affected by it none the less. I didn't like the idea of the guys going back inside. I just hoped Stahl would pull her weight with this one and hold her part of the deal. "You think Tara can maybe help us move those scrips?" Clay asked my brother. I didn't like the idea of moving those scrips that way but I didn't have anywhere near as much pull in the hospital as she did.

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