
Aloha tugged on the hem of his shirt, impatiently waiting for Army to arrive. It was oddly sudden for the orange inkling to ask if they could hang out to discuss something, but Aloha didn't mind. He kinda wanted to get out of the house anyway.

He leaned his back against the wall of the clothing shop and thought about [Name]. He wanted to invite her to play Turf War later with him today.

"Thank you for coming today, Aloha." Army appeared out of nowhere next to the energetic, pink inkling, nearly scaring the boy to death.

Aloha regained his composure and smiled. "Oh. Do you want to play Turf War? I forgot my weapon. Hopefully Sheldon can lend me a spare~♪!"

"Well, yes. I need your help."

Aloha hummed, signaling Army to continue.

"I want to do a private battle with [Name] today."

So much for hanging out with [Name]... Aloha gloomily thought. "What does that have to do with me?"

"She..." Army hated to say it. "She avoids me. I suspect she doesn't like me."

Aloha laughed. "Where did you get that information from? Your manual?"

Army stayed silent.

Aloha stifled another laugh. He knew he's right. "She's just scared of you~♪! You two DO main the same weapon, so she thinks you look down on her~!"

Army widened his eyes. She's afraid of him because they both use the N-Zap? That's... a strange reason. Is she not confident in her abilities? Despite being a B rank, he thought she performed well in battles.

He slipped his weapon into the pocket inside his jacket, which somehow fit there just fine, and opened his manual, flipping to the pages where it is filled with paragraphs about [Name].

Nothing hinted at her fearing him.

Aloha giggled and grabbed his manual out of his hands, turning it so he could read it as well.

Army gasped. "Don't re–"

"Let's see, let's see~♪!" Aloha already began to do what Army feared.

Army lunged forward to take it back, but Aloha dodged easily.

"Aw~! You have a crush on [Name]~♪!"

Army froze where he stood. He waited for Aloha to laugh at him, to make fun of him.

"This is kinda fresh! There's even things I didn't know about her in here!"

Is that a compliment? Shouldn't he be creeped out?

"Something is going on between Aloha and [Name]..." Aloha read out loud.


"Hahaha!" The inkling erupted in laughter, using one of his hands to hold his stomach. "S-Something... going on~♪?! Y-You're funny!"

Army looked away, embarrassed. "The way you act around her makes me think that way...."

Aloha's laughter died down. "Ah, well, I guess I do like her!"

Army gave him a harsh glare.

"But, I'm willing to put my feelings aside if you really like her this much~♪!" Aloha closed the manual and handed it back to the orange squid. "Want me to set you up on a date~? There's no need for a private battle~♪!"

"Actually, I would still like to do the private battle. I am serious about that."

Aloha took out his phone and began to type away, Army eagerly waiting for him to send the message.

Only One Side ♥︎ 【 Yandere! Splatoon Manga x Reader 】Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ