82 Final

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" did it end just like that?" A man spoke

I hummed to him and looked at the make shift fire in front of us.

"These scars on my body tell no lie." I sighed

Standing up I took off my cloak showing off the scar around my neck and the ones on my back. Theo had walked beside me and lifted his shirt showing the large gash.

" then how did you survive if you had died by that man's jaws?" A guy snarled

I smiled and sat back down.

Lifting my hand a little seeing the green glow that I emitted.

" being a which of the woods has its specialty"

" Lea.." a female voice spoke

I hummed and looked at her.

Her dark skin glowed against the fires light. Deep freckles scattered around. Her eyes a bright yellow. Her hair long and curled, with colors of a simple light brown. She seemed to be at least 5'6 in height.

" yes"

" what about Mia? What happened to Mia?"

I smiled again looking behind a male though quickly looking at him. He lifted his brow as I studied him.

His hair long and straight, yet was a midnight black. His eyes a faded grey against his tan skin. Small scars decorated his skin and his built body.

In fact both had a well built body, better then the others surrounding me.

Looking behind them once more, I could see those familiar green eyes.

" what happened to Mia? Well...Hazel no longer possess a wolf to talk to...neither her brothers."

Seeing the figure of Mia looking at the two she slowly nodded her head and walked off into the night.

" they watch over them..and at times..say hi"

" witch you sound crazy did you know that?" A pack member spoke

Sighing I looked at the fire and felt Theo nudge me.

" we need to go..we've spent to long here..you know if your Luna catches us she will make you all do extra work" I huffed

" aw come on! It was just getting nice to sit for a moment" A pack member whined

I laughed and Theo flew above already shifted into his owl. A sudden howl not to far from us ripped through the silence

" this training really is scary" one mumbled

She quickly shifted and all followed till my eyes landed on the two siblings.

" not going to run?" I asked

"after....what happened after?" he spoke

I paused for a moment and looked to the trees.

" they all had pretty bad scars..all were affected by the fight...but they no longer feared the wolves that chases them. All three grown to be okay and with the others they lived with.. they're all okay" I softly smiled

" they were really strong" he spoke

I chuckled and nodded

" yes now go on, follow Theo" i order

They both shifted. Quick steam poured out till it could clear.

Beautiful patterns similar to hazels fur, yet only having stripes on her back and back legs. Her fur consist more of black then hazels marble colored one. Her tail short and eyes a cloudy grey.

The boy, just like his sister was nearly consumed by black yet like swirls there were colors of grey, white and nearly honey.

Smiling knowing he got those colors from Xavier and his green and blue eyes from Hazel made me feel proud.

Looking to her knowing she is following hazels footsteps. Those odd eyes of Xavier's with her fur, made her seem much threatening then she really is.

Both nearly reaching full alpha size at the ages of 17 gave me hope.

' they will be great if they ever face them' I thought

Seeing the two run off with their small stubs and large teeth sticking out, a sound was heard.

Slowly I turn my body and walk over to them. Seeing a figure laying against a tree looking to where her kids just were.

Getting closer seeing the large gash on her thigh and small scar on her neck. Her hair let loose, her eyes still a beautiful green.

Her body still fit and strong, but still having scars telling different stories, if the not same one.

" how's Xavier with his eye?"

She laughed a little and gave me a hug as I retaliated.

" he's doing fine. It's actually gotten better" she answered

" yea..those claws of yours are no joke, where is he anyway?" I asked

" well Lea...he's nearby don't worry..actually probably chasing the kids" she softly smiled

It became quiet for a moment before i spoke once more.

" Azriel and Aura are doing well" I spoke

"..I'll reward them...for now...they need to keep running"

"Or?" I lifted my brow

" or the wolves that chased us could still very be"



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Re-writing is finally over!!! And I do want to point out that this is just all for fun! I even had one hell of a time writing this again because I didn't like the first one. So thank you all for sticking around, staying for this up and down 'plot' if you want to call it..and ignore my super bad typos 😭. But thank you for sticking to the end 💕

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