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Run, hunt, rest. Is all they did.

Slightly crouching behind some thick bushes as snow covered the woods. Listening to the birds passing and footsteps around.

a pending pain in my head and chest would occasionally start. Softly grunting I closed my eyes trying to ease the pain.

' Xavier please stop' I thought to my self

' their coming' Mia spoke

Her tone was nearly dull to the touch. Her presence wasn't felt so strongly as she was. I could barely feel her. Why?

A howl erupted as I heard rushing paw prints from two. Immediately I perked up getting ready to pounce.

Hearing his paws against the snow accompanied with much heavier sets of paws.

Quickly jumping out the bushes with my jaws opened. Seeing dark brown fur right in front of me and immediately clamped down.

Hearing a roar of the bear slightly starling me. Keeping a grip as I dug my claws as they kept running.

' Please No!' The person begged

Another roar as it tumbled down with me. Quickly standing up seeing they are bleeding from masons and I bites.

Hearing a small growl I met eyes with Mason.

' good job...guess we are related' I spoke

He huffed and came closer as the bear stood up. It was trembling with its eyes glossy.

' you have no mercy' they whispered

' No' i snarled

They stared at me before I watched its eye colors become dull. I watched as its body fell to the ground.

Seeing he took down the bear nearly being the size of the bear it self made me nearly smile.

' took down your first big meal...keep it going' I said to him

Looking at him his eyes seemed shiny just like the bear. He let go and nudged the person.

' you can't have any sympathy out here Mason...you just can't-'

' from being out here for a couple days...you've returned to being so quiet and cautious' he mumbled still nudging the bear.

' only way I've really found to survive..I know this sucks but this is the world I lived in. Seeing the world you lived in...you are nicely fed, loved, you had something I didn't for so long and now we are both in my world.'

' where nothing but death and cold hearts grow right?' He nearly laughed

' yea..yea it is.'

' boring out here but do I really have to eat this?' He spoke

' I hardly ate during Xavier place so yea, want it cooked?' I teased

' funny! You're the rouge and I'm the tamed one huh?' He laughed

' nice job you've figured it out!' I scoffed

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