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The feeling of self hate and hate to others only grew. The self loathing and to others never stopped appearing in my head.

Her mind walked in a haze, as she continuously looked back to see if another white wolf was beside her. 

The knowing feeling that she walked alone drove her mind mad. The memory of each and everyone she cared for walked away from her.

She would walk blinded by those memories. Blinded by the trail of blood she wound leave each time a wolf would simply growl.

Each time one would make a single sound. Each time her mind repeated the constant deaths.

The eyes of others becoming lifeless, only remembering her green eyes. As she rememberers their lifeless eyes.


Walking through the woods only hearing nothing but the wind softly blowing. Only hearing the steps I took and my breathing.

A sudden crunch from not to far made me pause. I felt the adrenaline insides me already on course through me.

'left'Mia spoke

'On it'

i turned to my left to find a white wolf just like Gracie's.

I stood frozen, seeing light memories of her laughing, jumping in the snow in her wolf form.

Wanting to call out to her when they turned to look at me. His light brown eyes was what took me out of the trance.  Like a switch flipped as I started growling warning him to back off.

Though instead of charging or running away steam came off him going to his human form.

' what is he doing' I thought

" I'm sorry I spooked you I was just passing by and I recognized you, as La diabla remember me? I used to be on your far left in those cells" he said cautiously

I stayed quiet stopping my self from growling at the nickname. Though I recognize those eyes as I nodded in approval

" your name is Hazel right, I remember those rumors everyone used to say about you , you killed in under seconds your eyes would be blinded by nothing. One of the most brutal opponents...man I kinda missed the older women..till of course you and her..fought" he said curiously

' Hazel we need to move there is a pack of wolves coming around' Mia said


About to turn he spoke

" you know you shouldn't talk with your wolf and leave your self so open" he said with a smirk.

'I knew it you can't even trust people that were in that hell of a place.' I scoff to my self

I heard footsteps coming closer as I was surrounded by wolves.

'Isn't that lovely' Mia said

I huffed and shifted into my human form as the cold air hit my skin. I regretted going into my human form but ignored the chills and focused on what's more important

"watch what you ask for buddy" I say

He laughed and walked closer

" sorry, Hazel but it's time for you to go like Gracie" he said grinned

I froze and looked at him feeling the burning sensation in my throat.

" I'm warning you to stop this now you will regret this" I say calmly but anger is starting to rise mentioning or even saying her name.

Running From The Wolves ✅COMPLETED ✅ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang