[ENG] Chapter 03

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Half and a year passed since I wrote the second chapter, lol. 

Well, if someone's reading this, I intends to write some of LN characters from vol 5-7 with same personality, but different story. Well, this may update monthly. 

I heard the author, Shiden Kanzaki has already retired from writing and opened a restaurant after the anime aired in 2014, leaving readers cliff-hanged. I wonder why Yen Press still translated and published the english translation starting 2015.

If you found wrong sentences and words using, please tell me how to fix it, coz I can't write in English properly.

Enjoy reading~!


Tendo Civil Security Agency. Midnight. Rentaro just got back from the convenience store with two large white plastic bags.

"Damn, sprout again... even though I fought Aldebaran, I didn't get any extra pay except the hero title..."

He sighed when he peeks on what's inside the bags. Yeah, even though he got the title, he didn't get extra reward.

He woke up at midnight to find himself two little girls slept beside him, squeezing their face to his. It made him remember about how Kisara's always grab her phone and ready to call the police. It's a bit lonely without it.

Then he heard the sound of their stomach rumbling, so he went to the convenience store to buy something. Item with midnight discounts are still a bit too pricey, so he bought sprout instead.

"It's amazing that the sprout's still remained cheap after the Aldebaran incident."

Or maybe because so much death, that the demand of food decreased. If so, he can't be happy about it.

He saw two face still sleeping, so quietly. Feeling bad about waking them up, he took off his blazer to cover them. He went to the agency's kitchen, and start to cook the sprouts. It's always like that in the whole week since Kisara left.

"I bet my apartment is so dusty right now."

And when he done with the cooking, he went back to the office room to wake the girls. Suprisingly, Enju and Tina were already awake. They are answering the office phone.

"Rentaro!" "Onii-san!"

They both shouted and called for Rentaro.


Rentaro walked to the table without caring too much. When he saw their face look worried, he walked to take the phone.

Even if it's work, he who already fought Aldebaran about a week ago, can't think worse situation to handle.

"Okay, give the phone to me, Enju."


Enju handed the phone to him, but when he picked up the phone, a voice said,

"Yo, Satomi-kun. You finally picked up, huh?"

Many times he heard that carefree and a bit like clown voice, directly or by phone.

"Enju~! I want to cut you~!"

"Hey-hey, Kohina. It's bad manner to say that in the phone."

The man scolded the little girl who said such an omnious thing. Yeah, but the man himself is a great villain. Right now Renntaro's a bit pissed.

Maybe because he made a scary face, Enju and Tina seems a little bit scared. Rentaro tried to calm his mind before answering.

"What do you want, Hiruko Kagetane?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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