[ENG] Chapter 01

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If you found wrong sentences and words using, please tell me how to fix it, coz I can't write in English properly.

Enjoy reading~!


In the year 2021, mankind is ravaged by the epidemic of Gastrea, a parasitic virus, and is forced to live within the Monolith walls, which are created from Varanium: a metal that is able to subdue Gastrea. Soon, children who were born with the Gastrea virus and obtained superhuman abilities as a result, are discovered and dubbed 'Cursed Children'. Due to the Gastrea virus' intervention, the 'Cursed Children' could only be female. Civil Securities are formed to specialize fighting against Gastrea, operating with the pair of an Initiator, who are cursed children, and a Promoter, serving to lead the cursed children.

But now after the conflict of Aldebaran, Tendo Kisara kills his own big brother named Tendo Kazumitsu, knowing now that the appearance of Gastreas that killed her parents was her brothers' and grandfather's doing.

Knowing that Tendo family has dark sides, Kisara left Tendo Civil Sevurity Agency to continue her own way of revenge to the Tendo family.

Satomi Rentaro and Aihara Enju, plus Tina Sprout are the only one that stays in the agency. The place who usually looks so crowded, now they all seemed just like desert.

One week after Tendo Kisara left, at the agency—

Aihara Enju—10 years old girl and Rentaro's partner, and Rentaro's future wife (self-proclaimed)—sulks and grumbles while sitting on the sofa. She blinks her eyes often, waves her head to left and right, and finally she is down to side-sleep position.

Tina Sprout—10 years old girl that recently works at Tendo Civil Security after failing the assassination mission that involved all of the Tendo Civil Security's member in danger, yet she was hired by Kisara who was the head at the time—just came out from the other room and entered the office room, she accidentally saw Enju sulks on the sofa.

Almost 12 at noon, that's what Tina saw on the clock, and there is no doubt that this is the time for Tenchuu Girls to be airing.

"Enju-san, you didn't go home to watch Tenchuu Girls? That's unusual."

'Tenchuu Girls' is Enju's favorite anime, yet Enju seems like she doesn'tcare about it, and she replied lazy tone and little averting gaze:

"See yourself, Tina. You are more unusual than me."

And then, Enju rolled her own body a bit and strech out her hands.

Hearing that words from Enju, Tina didn't reply instantly. After thinking a bit, she replied vaguely:

"That's because, this place felt different somehow..."

Tina always makes low voices all the times, but now her voice seems to be very sad. Enju feels the same way too.

"And Rentaro too, lately, he has been working hard to fill Kisara's works at the other room. Tenchuu Girls is unaired for this season. I feel lo-ne-ly~!"

Tina knows what Enju feels right now. Rentaro is working hard lately, and he won't come back to eat or something. At the agency too, Rentaro only ate pizza that Tina made and he only drank instant coffees.

"And Rentaro, he's doing this for Kisara too...! It irritates me!"

"Enju-san, calm down. He did all of this for all of us, you know."

"What's your proof?"

"It's not a proof, but he is negotiating with IISO to let me stay even though President Tendo isn't here and went missing. He also working the documents to keep the agency. A new scho—"

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