[ENG] Chapter 02

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If you found wrong sentences and words using, please tell me how to fix it, coz I can't write in English properly.

Enjoy reading~!


Osaka Area. Cases of missing children. Polices not moving on it. Posters of missing children everywhere in deserted places.

There's no way that this is normal.

It's a large room around 20 x 20 meter, with two white beds with a lot of health supervising devices, one lamp. A boy lays there holding hands with a girl.

The two of them are wearing white clothes for hospital's patients, but the place wasn't a hospital. Yet, they lie down on the beds, facing to the ceiling.

"Onii-chan... I'm scared..."

The girl call out his big brother with a trembling voice, sobbing lightly.

"Whatever happens, never let go of my hand."

The big brother said that with a big smile, and that made the little sister a bit relieved.

"Inject the S-AGV."

After the voice rings in the room, two mechas suddenly appeared from the floor, mecha arms with syringes, injected a serum to their necks.

The virus' spread is very fast, the two of them seems to be so suffocated after that, that they finally let off their holding hands, and started to scream in pain.

They went berserk, and started to destroy their surroundings. Their legs slowly exploded, and tiger-like legs appeared. Their fangs grow suddenly, and the shout like tigers.

"Varanium magnetic wave, maximum output!"

After a voice said that, the two of them closed their ears with hands, and screamed in pain. No, the damage is targeted on their brain, and the cell directly.

Not long after that... the siblings that almost forget about each other, reach each other's hands with all their might, and then... Their heads exploded. They died holding hands to each other.


An office room. The man with the lab coat and wearing a white scarf even though this is still in the summer, writing something on computer.

And after some adjustment, you will see the scariest thing of the thing he is writing.

#Experiment report.

Subject: Number 17 and Number 18.

Supervisor: Tendo Kabuto.

Experiment: Failed.

Time: 1 minute and 23 seconds.

Transformation results: Both Tigers.

The two of them were normal children, a 12 years old boy, and a 10 years old girl, and also a siblings from a certain family.

Until the end, the subjects held on longer than the previous failing subjects.

As a proof of this experiment had stepped forward, the two of them died holding hands. I believed that they still have their heart, they're still connected till the end.

This is quite interesting, cause I never found a phenomenon that gastreas still had their former human emotions.

17 children died so far. I hope the next subject will be more interesting.

End of report.#

He closed the report, and he opens e-mail site on his computer, and sent the report file to someone.

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