Chapter 1

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A/N: I have gone thru this chapter and changed some errors that I found. I will go thru the rest of this story and do the same thing. If you have any questions please message me. I have no issues correcting or clarifying anything. :-)

Nikki's POV

Why in the name of peace is my phone ringing right now? What time is it anyway? I look at my clock and it is 2 am? I pick up the phone even though the caller ID is listed unknown.

Nikki: hmmm

???: I am not sure I can keep doing this. I have no privacy and I am just not happy anymore. I don't want to let anyone down, but I am becoming miserable. I can't get enough sleep it's stealing my joy. I don't want to be here anymore. Are you there? Don't tell me even you aren't listening to me? Jake, I need help!!! sniffs

I can hear what sounds like crying and desperation in his voice. I am well aware of that feeling and would not wish it on my worst enemy.

Nikki: I'm not Jake. What can I do to help you Sweetpea?

???: OH MY GOD I am so sorry!!!

I hear feel the panic in his voice.

Nikki: Please don't hang up and don't be sorry? If you need help let me help you.

He is quiet I can tell he is probably more than a little skeptical.

???: I don't know you, why would you help me? Better yet what's in it for you?

Nicole: Honestly it sounds like you need it. Look I don't know you, your name, your situation and your number is showing up unknown. That gives you complete anonymity kind of like at a therapist. I won't tell anyone. Even if I did there is no way to identify you. Besides I am awake now and concerned. So please let me help you. No strings attached.

I hope he can tell I'm sincere.

???: OK.

Nicole: Is it OK to call you Sweetpea? I need to call you something.

Sweetpea: Yes sure. You know Korean is decent,  where are you from?

I know he's being polite, my Korean needs more than a little help. My only saving grace is my accent is fairly decent.

Nicole: Texas, you can thank my new obsession with K-pop. Enough about me what's wrong?

Sweetpea: I am not happy with my life. My job is stressful. I'm tired. I have no one that understands what I am going through. From the outside in my life is great. However, from the inside out the stress to be perfect and must deal with the same people day in and out is getting to be too much for me.

I can hear the pain in his voice as it trembles a little. I feel so bad for him.

Nicole: When was your last vacation?
There was silence while he considered his answer.

Sweetpea: I can't remember but I should have some free time coming up soon in like 3 months, I think.

Nicole: Well have you spoken to your boss about maybe getting a weekend off?

Sweetpea: Yes, and I can't.

He sounds like he just needs some time off.

Nicole: If you just take a day off will anyone die?

Sweetpea: No

Nicole: Well Sweetpea call in sick and get yourself together. You can stay home and binge-watch something or sleep. Your mental health is just as important and your physical health.

Sweetpea: You think that's OK if I'm not sick, just to call in. Maybe I should find a bridge and jump.

He sighed and it was so sorrowful.

Nicole: I assure you it's OK. I'll even make you a doctor's note if you need it. I assure you that your friends, family, and coworkers would rather you take a day off. I know I would.

Sweetpea: You would? You don't even know me. The world might just be better off without me. I could be a murder or whatever.

Nicole: True but I doubt it. Besides, I would like to get to know you for myself. Honestly the fact you called someone for help means that at least a part of you wants to live. Will you let me get to know you?

Jungkook's POV

Jungkook: Why do you want to know me?

???: Well you woke me up at 2 in the morning, so I think you owe me that much.

I could sense the smile in her voice. Honestly, I really just like the sound of her voice it's very soothing.

Jungkook: OK what do you want to know?

She giggles a bit it was a pleasant sound, it made me happy.

???: I don't want to learn everything tonight. You sir will need to spread out over time so I can know you are safe. Besides, I need to get ready for work and I am sure you could use a bit of sleep.

Jungkook: I'm sorry for keeping you up so long. But thank you for listening to me and not making me feel bad for not being happy.

???: You are welcome. Just remember it is OK to not be OK all the time. You can call or text me anytime I won't judge you. It is way better to talk about it and get help than to keep it bottled in. Keep my number and call or text whenever, Sweetpea.

Jungkook: Thank you. So, what can I call you?

He sounds so much better it makes her feel good to know she helped someone.

???: What would you like to call me? Or would you like my real name?

Jungkook: I want to call you Angel so you can have your anonymity too. Besides I really feel like you are a lifesaver for me.

I can feel haven't smiled like this in a while.

Angel: Well I guess my name is Angel then Sweetpea. So, if you don't mind me asking who is Jake?

Jungkook: A friend I made in the States when I was there last. I guess he no longer has this number.

Angel: He has not had it for about 3 months.

Jungkook: You know your Korean isn't terrible, but you mix it with English a bit.

I laughed at her and begin to feel a bit better.

Angel: I will work on it. You do the same thing though. Your English is not much better than my Korean.

I laugh right at her again and it felt great to laugh and just be myself for a bit to not be perfect.

Jungkook: Well, since I don't need to be perfect I don't think I will

Nicole: So, if I ever go to Korea I can't talk to a soul but you. OK
She laughed.

Jungkook: Well I guess you might want to do a bit better if you plan to come here.

Nicole: Well I need to head to work don't forget to call or text if you need me.

Jungkook: Thank you have a great day at work. Goodbye

Nicole: Talk to you later.

A/N: Please pay attention and get help for those that might not be able to do it for themselves. Be nice to people you never know what someone is going thru and what effect you can have on someone that is already on the edge. Everyone is valuable and important and deserves to lives long happy lives. At least in the United States, the suicide prevention hotline is 1-800-273-8255. Call if you have no one else you feel safe talking to. They even have a chat available and if you are reading this and need the number in your country let me know I will find it. :)

Also, this is my first attempt at writing on this site and I hope to get better. Thanks for being patient while I figure this out. :)

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