"Where are we meeting them again?" TenTen asked, glancing behind her at Kakashi.

Kakashi shrugged, but Naruto answered in place of his father.

"The corner of the Jowse Market and Kiro Street." He recited, grinning widely.

TenTen nodded, her blonde extensions bouncing with her head.

"Race you." She took off, sprinting down the street.

Naruto yelped. "H-hey that's not fair! Wait up!"

Kakashi grinned, and in a flash he was right in front of TenTen, standing on the sidewalk of the corner of Jowse Market and Kiro Street.

TenTen abruptly stopped running, allowing Naruto to catch up with her when she pouted. "No fair! We're not ninja yet and we can't do that!"

Kakashi smiled mischievously, not that anyone could see his face, and instead of replying to TenTen turned his head to the direction of running children.

"We're here! We're here!" Kiba shouted, Akamaru barking in greeting.

Ino scowled, following closely. Behind her was Neji, Sasuke, Hinata, and Sakura, all of them immersed in a conversation.

Neji looked up and nudged his cousin, who noticed everyone standing there awkwardly. "H-hello! Happy H-halloween." Hinata squeaked.

Sasuke smirked. "Happy Halloween, I guess."

Sakura pushed through the crowd and posed funnily. "I'M A MOUSE!"

Neji quietly snorted while the others looked at her

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Neji quietly snorted while the others looked at her.

"Is there a reason for that?" Naruto spoke up.

Sakura grinned again. "I'm adorable and I want to be a mouse. Case closed." Everyone collectively nodded. That was a good argument.

"So, uh, Ino!" TenTen asked curiously. "What are you supposed to be?"

Ino smiled mysteriously. "I'm a fortune teller."

"Wow! Does that mean you can see the future?" Kiba grinned excitedly, bouncing on his heels.

"Yes." Ino said solemnly. "And I can tell you, you won't make it far in life if you keep acting like an idiot."

Kiba took the insult as a compliment and was stricken with awe. "Woah..."

"Anyways, I'm a vampire." He showed off his glinting fangs.

"Why not a werewolf? It certainly would fit." Neji suggested.

"Eh. My entire clan always does a werewolf for Halloween. I wanted to do something different." Kiba shrugged, glancing at Naruto.

"I'm a fox." Naruto explained.

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