1: ~How Did I Get Into This Mess?~

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Credit artist: Instagram - hawko_taco
The hard work and dedication the shopping district took is amazing. Flying through it was like viewing pure art Grian thought. The master flyer was doing his usual maneuvers through the buildings when all of a sudden he was followed by a mysterious rocket trail.

"You dare challenge me, flyer of the skies? I will take your challenge." Hand full of rockets Grian spammed them flying through the complex district. The fireworks behind him where barley able to keep up with him. Grian saw this moment to boast just a little. "I am the king of the skies and no one ca-"

Grian had smashed into the tag tower spinning down and crashing. Grian's vision was blurry as a man towered over him. "Oh hey Ren, nice to see yah." Grian said dizzy like. Ren helped him up. "So much for being king of the skies my dude." Grian laughed and defended himself with a pose that looked like 'I totally flew into that building on purpose'

"Are you actually okay? You hit that building pretty hard?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little dizzy, I know I won't do that again."

"A great flyer always crashes man."

Grian laughed "So why were you following me?"

"I don't know man, I just wanted to challenge the king of flying I guess."

Alarm sounds went off. It sound like wailing sirens. It was painful to hear, but not as painful as Ren looking up to see gathered grey clouds around the whole district. Grian and Ren panicked "Ren did you even know there was alarms in the districts?" Ren looked at Grian puzzled. "I didn't know."

The wind started to pick up, Ren and Grian ran inside of the tag tower hoping it will hold up for now. They could hear yelling for the distance and the wind slowly getting more intense.

"Dude, we have to get out of here, the tag tower is a horrible place to stay."

"Well where do we go Ren?"

"TFC has an underground bunker, I bet he'll let us stay there to wait out the storm."

"We'll have to fly there! It's a good distance away, but even the best flyer on this sever can't bet the win-"

Grian was cut off by the wind tearing down the roof of the tower. They two looked at each other in agreement. If they don't leave, they will get crushed under this building of fear. Ren was the first to take off following Grian himself.

Grian's P.O.V

I'm scared out of my mind. It's so windy and I don't know what to do, Ren knows exactly where TFC's base is. I've only been there once. I've just got to follow Ren and everything will be fine. It's so hard to see and let alone hear Ren's fireworks.

I can't see. Where is Ren? "REEEN! WHERE ARE YOU?" No response. I'm scared now. I don't know where I'm going. The wind is picking up and debris is everywhere. Out of the corner of my eye I see a wood panel flying towards me, I couldn't swerve away from it. The panel smashes against my left arm, "GAH!" I squint my eyes as the pain is immense. "NO NO NO NO-" I crash into a stone tower and spun into the dirt below it. I tried to move but I just couldn't. The pain is unbearable, my arm is broken from the panel. My breathing is heavy, my bones in my arm felt shattered like glass. I feel dizzy and my head doesn't feel any better. I have to keep flying, I have to get away from this mess. As I try to take off the wind smashes me into the building again. This time rendering me nearly conscious. I can see the blood rushing down my head.

There is no use flying back, I can't see. I hope Ren made it back okay. I stumbled around trying to find somewhere safe. I hear the crashing of buildings falling and the cracking of thunder. Lightning hits a nearby tower and it starts to fall. I'm scared. Seeing this I ran as fast as I could to no avail. The building crashes on top of me. "HMAAH!" The building smashes against my entire body. I can't feel my body... I... can't... breathe... My eyes close and I pass out to the pain.

RenDog's P.O.V

Flying through the air is hard enough but with this storm. Yeah it's even harder. I'm surprised I'm holding up through this debris. I hope Grian is as well. He's a great flyer, he's okay. I hope. Finally I get to TFC's little shack. I see TFC guiding in others. Tango looks to be terribly injured. Doc is carrying inside. Tango's leg and arm is covered in blood, his whole body is terrifyingly gray, the bones from his arm and leg seems to be poking out of the skin. It's sickening to look at. I get a jump scare from Mumbo and Iskall asking me if Grian was with me. "Yeah he is right... Grian?"

Oh no.

Oh no oh no OH NO!

"Ren, where were you last? Iskall and I will go out and find him."

"We were at the tag tower."

"Iskall let's go."

"I'm coming with you. I lost him and I'm helping find him."

"Perfect, it'll be easier to watch with more people."

Iskall looks at me dead in the eyes.

"Before we take off, please tell me Grian had his armer on?"

A deadly pause was presented. Before I could respond.

"No he didn't."

"Iskall we have to go, Grian could be in a huge mess. Like always, Ren lead the way. Let's go."

The three flew off looking for the tiny boy Grian. But will they be able to find Grian in the mess?

~Words: 980

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