Author's notes

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Twisted immortality is my first finished book. I'm actually rather proud of myself.
There is a lot of possible ways to see this story. I did lend a hand from some already outlaid clichés. But I think everyone does that.. at least that's what I find whenever I read a new novel. But after taking a few ideas from books, movies, interviews, I think I made them my own and this is a pretty interesting story on its own.

Actually, this book would never have been finished if there would have not been such lovely people around me. @Benasdasdorvien was the one who encouraged me to write in the first place, then made me think it was all worth a read and then helped me beside me every day, through my doubts and mistakes. I'm eternally grateful for her to have helped me start again as a writer. @dreamerkay06 is the one who encouraged this book, as well as she has been a quite prominent pillar in my most difficult time during this writing process. And I owe her a lot of gratitude for making me not quit... on everything. @infinite___ot7 and @anjuleeboralessa are the true heroes of this book. They were the two who stuck with me and not only through my difficult editing process and took on my tempo, whether I slowed down or sped up, they were amazing in most every aspect of this process. One can not account the amount of gratitude I feel for someone who has made my writing seem a lot more attractive than it first was.

I did wrote it and had an idea, but these four people made it possible to have a chance to be a book I can share with everyone. Maybe even publish one day. I owe small kind of life-debt if I truly one day begin my author career, to those four awesome women. I hope I did praise them enough. They truly deserve every good word.

As many may see, this is the same book, in edited form, that I finished last October and published chapter by chapter here on Wattpad. As it was an original story from the beginning, I only used the names from Sotus with the first version. I did decide to try and make it an original book, editing a lot of the story and changing the names. This was about a half years of work for us. As my lovely team lives far away and everyone has their own lives to attend to, it took some time, but now this version of the book is ready.

When I started writing it, I knew from the first chapter, that it was not going to be a fanfic, but as my followers and everybody loved Sotus so much, I wanted to please them and didn't replace the names from the get-go. I truly hope that my readers loved it enough, that they are not angry about this separate book. As there will be a sequel, I will need advice. 

Do you want it two ways? One with Sotus characters and the other one, without? Or are you satisfied with the new version enough to let it be a great separate story?

One thing I will continue to do. I will still add a song, or two, for each chapter. This is my way to show you a couple of things.

* Maybe some songs you haven't heard before and you will find them likable.
* My mood, the chapters' mood, and the flavor the songs add to what is written.
* Also, as their mostly Korean songs, some Chinese and Japanese, I want to show you songs that make me like the languages so much.

To all my readers who have been waiting for new fanfics, one shot's, etc. This editing process was the reason I could not concentrate on them. Also, there have been lots of situations in these past 6months of my life, that made me truly, not only busy but exhaustingly wanting to run away from everything that resembled some new way to drive my mind to overdrive. There is no need to bring all of them out here, everyone has their own life stories, and I was in a place that made me unable to keep my promises to my readers. A lot of different kind of troubles accompanied my daily life. Now, I think I have a bit more stable situation and my wish to write has not disappeared nor vanished anywhere. Though there is going to be a busy 2-3 years ahead of me, I have no intention of leaving my fanfics unfinished nor my books unwritten. I have a lot of plans and will try to get to them in order. First I'm going to finish my fanfics and then write a sequel to this book.

To give heads up.. I'm not adding any introduction to the chapters or songs. This because of two reasons. First I'm posting everything in the same hour, which means that the only emotion I can add to each chapter would be so-so. In the past when I wrote stuff to accompany my chapters, they were full of emotions at that particular time. About how I felt during the writing and after finishing the chapter. So this right now. Has no point in whatsoever. My emotion should be felt through the story, this time. Secondly, the songs I put to these chapters are very thoroughly thought out. I sat down with singers and groups I thought would fit for about 7hours and looked over the lyrics, felt the mood, thought about who sang, etc. I would love if everyone would have a look at the songs at least once. The really true feelers are the people, who look at the video first, read and then watch it again. But this is my ideal mind, so if you look at it once, add the emotions in the video to the chapter, then I believe you can sense the idea of the words that much stronger. So as they are so important to me, I'm leaving the feel, the idea and the meaning to you all to find out for yourself. Of course, as a courtesy to you all, I have put songs only with eng subs. Enjoy

*song: Won't forget - The Untamed. rIght now this is my favorite Chinese drama(currently running) and I'm loving the on-screen light, but pretty mind-blowing bromance. As much as I can see the scriptwriter has not made it into a clear note bl drama as the book, which I'm also reading, is soo clearly about. The series is totally worth a watch, I actually wrote a small review on it to MyDramalist. Couldn't resist. And why this song? I could not resist sharing it. As years go on, I like more and more this kind of music to accompany me when I write, study or do stuff that demands concentration. Well, this one.. with its emotion etched right into every note, but also it feels exactly like it sounds. Amazing to feel every emotion as intently as we have the capacity to.

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