IV - New experiences, new feelings

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While eating reheated takeout in his new living room, Songkarn wasn't thinking about today's events nor about his new team or even about his new job. He was again picturing Henry in his mind. He felt weird. Why was Henry a permanent part of his day-dreams? Was he a part of his soul now? Songkarn was surprised by this kind of thoughts. He wasn't in any way connected to Henry but why were the emotions so raw and hard to decipher when they were connected to this mysterious man?

When Songkarn went to sleep, his first thoughts were about the dream that had haunted him for the past year. It seemed so weird but unexpectedly, the dream didn't appear so scary and disturbing anymore. It didn't feel like a nightmare. On the contrary, it felt inviting. It was more informative now. Suddenly, he discovered himself wishing to see the dream again, not caring about sleeping well at all.

The first thing he saw in his dream was Henry's face. Though he wished to see the calm and kind face as it was in real life, he was still greeted by the cold and distant dream face. The dream didn't even stay put as he desired. The scenes moved on and the figure carrying Henry's face moved past him like a flash of light. He was suddenly inside the room with the painting. He could still see nothing of the image on the canvas.

It didn't even look like there was enough light to see the painting. This time though, he saw that the painting was on the floor.

The floor seemed extraordinary. It was a real wooden floor and each of its tiles was put there separately. They fit there perfectly and were made of shiny and beautiful dark wood. Just for a second, Songkarn couldn't shake away the thought, how someone had really been working hard on making this masterpiece. Now that he thinks about it, the mansion had looked and felt like a masterpiece from every corner. Every door, every wall even the window frames. Everything he had seen in this mansion had been made with care and surely with no shortage of money. Right then his attention shifted onto the picture, on the floor. As if he was watching a movie and the camera focused on the small detail in a bigger picture.

The picture was slightly dusty and as he brushed the dust with his fingers, it felt strange. It felt as if he could really feel it on his fingers like it wasn't a dream, but a reality. Songkarn tried to look at the picture more closely but as fast as he was moving through the dream, he was suddenly kicked out of the dream. He woke up with a start and was left wondering about the world in his dreams. What exactly was going on with him, where was all this new information coming from?

Songkarn really didn't get any of it. He was certain that the picture was somehow incredibly important. He couldn't even remember if he had seen what was really on it.

He got up from the bed and as always, the clock was just a bit over midnight. Now he had a couple of choices. He could wake Lucas up but he didn't want to hear even a bit of teasing right now. He just didn't feel up for it. Though he did know that he should talk about everything he saw and felt tonight and he surely will. Just not at this moment. Songkarn was reluctant to talk to Lucas about it. Maybe it had something to do with Lucas obviously not trusting Henry, even though they had never met before. Which meant the call didn't feel like an option, at least not tonight.

Songkarn decided to go and spend time on his laptop until he felt sleepy again. He saw about five different message notifications in his messenger. He decided to see his mother's first as it was generally the most unpleasant one. Her messages were always some kind of guilty thoughts. Basically, the messages were to manipulate him and made him feel like he has to be responsible for her mistakes as soon as he became an adult. A while back, he stopped calling her. The way she pressured him was too much to handle. In most cases, Songkarn would strongly advocate that respect between children and parents is really important. But no matter how much he tried, he could not find any reason to feel even a slight sense of gratitude towards his mother except for giving birth to him.

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