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The next morning I wake up to Carlos feeding Josiah and I look over and see Genevieve still sleeping in her crib. I slowly wake up and ask Carlos where everyone went "your mom, dad and Adam went down stairs to the cafeteria to get some breakfast and Shelby left last night after you fell asleep but she said she would be back later today and she is going to bring Oscar with her." I just couldn't stop looking at Carlos holding our son in his arms. Soon Genevieve started to stir and I picked he up out of her crib and brought her to my chest so I could feed her.

After a while I heard the door open and I saw my parents and Adam walk in with food left over from breakfast. I can say that I don't relate much with my family but I am glad that they are here with me. The doctor walks in behind them and goes over all the take home care that I will need for the next few weeks and to know that any sexual activities will have to be put on hold until I hit the six week mark. Carlos and I both looked away from each other when sex was brought up. The doctor said as long as the babies and I are doing fine then we can be discharged tomorrow. I couldn't say I wasn't happy because I am not a fan of hospitals.

Later that day my parents and Adam left to go home and change plus Adam had already miss school and couldn't afford to miss again. Shelby came later on with Oscar and had offered to watch over me while Carlos went home to change and shower as well. We all talked while the babies were asleep and it felt just like old times at least before I got pregnant. "Hey so did you ask the doctor about a paternity test yet or do you think the babies are both for Carlos." after she said this I had to think about it. Deep down I wanted the kids to be his but I had to accept the possibility of them also being Tyler's as well. It was like he heard his name because not two seconds later there was a knock on the door and Tyler peeked his head inside. "Hey there I saw Carlos's post online about the babies being born I just wanted to see if I could meet them" I couldn't say no to him just in case they were his so I said yes and he came over to see the twins who were sleeping next to me. In that moment the door opened again and my parents came back and Carlos right behind them.

"Tyler what are you doing here" Carlos said with a slow angry look growing on his face. In that moment I replayed every thing and I wished I had never step foot into East Patterson high. 

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