Chapter Five

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I woke up the next morning lying next to Carlos who was still asleep. I have to be honest I was sore but happy at the same time, I know even though this was my first time I shouldn't get to attached, especially if I don't want to freak him out. My phone starts to ring and I realized that I forgot to check in with my parents before the party last night, but to my surprise when I looked at the phone it was Adam who was calling.

"Hello" I answered with a whisper trying not to wake Carlos.

"Hey you need to get back home mom and dad are going to notice that you are gone," he sounded nervous on the phone. But why did he cover for me last night.

"Adam did you cover for me last night?" I asked

"Yeah I did and now you owe me but for now you need to get back before you get both of us in trouble. I cant' afford to get grounded again." He said sounding annoyed.

I start to look for my clothes without making any noise as to wake Carlos up. I get dressed as fast as I can and left a note for him to find. I walk down to my car and drive home as fast as I can. When I get though the front door I find my parents and Adam waiting for me.

"And just where have you been young lady" I hear when I walk through the door not even past the foyer my mother starts ranting. And now I'm in that dreaded state of having to think of a good excuse for my lateness. Ok if I tell her that I stayed with Shelby then she would or could've called her parents already so... oh I got it.

"Mom I thought I told you that I found this twenty-four hour library that I was going to, to study for that project I told you about for class." I said trying to make her and myself believe me.

"Well fine but the least you could have done was to inform your father and I where you were going to be, next time you will be grounded for a week do you understand young lady?" I love when she tries to sound so motherly. I made my way up to my room, but before I did I stopped in Adam's room.

"Hey, thanks for the heads up little bro" I said slipping through his door way.

"Nothing to it and you know you are only older by a minute and twenty-eight seconds so we basically came out at the same time" he said still playing his video games.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that and it might come true one day". I said smirking at him.

I walked into the room and saw that my phone was about to vibrate off my dresser, when I turned the phone over to see who was calling me I saw Carlos's name pop up.

"Hello Carlos" I answered not sure what he was calling for?

"Hey I didn't know where you had gone your stuff was gone when I woke up I wanted to make sure that you were ok" he sounded shaky.

"Yeah I'm fine I just had to get home my parents didn't know that I left the house" I said.

"Oh, ok I just thought I might have like scared you off or something, I didn't see you in the bed so I just wanted to check in with you, how are you feeling after last night?" he asked.

"Well I'm ok I guess I mean how should I feel?" I sound nervous when I said it.

I heard footsteps coming from the hall toward my door and almost dropped the phone completely.

"Hey I have to go I'll call you back later ok" I hastily shutoff my phone and jumped on the bed and opened one of my textbooks.

Adam walked in with smile on his face I swear he is the son of Satan and we just got him by mistake.

"Did you want something freak?" I said as he was walking through the door.

"Well I just happened to be in the bathroom while you were on the phone and I was just curious as to what exactly happened last night that you were so worried about?" I hate the way his face looks when he knows something I don't.

"Well what ever do you mean dear brother?" I said trying to not think about what he must already know.

"Let's see you didn't come home last night your hair was messy and I don't know if you recognized this but your shirt is on backwards so all that is left is who was this lucky prince who deflowered my sister?" I wanted to rip his throat out when he said it but I knew he was right.

"No one you know and its none of your business anyway loser so get out of my room and leave me be." I said pushing him out the door.

I closed the door and looked down at myself and saw that my shirt was on backwards, darn that litter twerp I hate that he knows me. I lay back on my bed and thought back at last night and how good I felt with Carlos.

I realized that I had to tell someone so I texted Shelby to come and meet me at the park down from our houses. When she got there I think she might have read my mind because she had a smile on her face that went from ear to ear.

"What's up girl long time no see huh?" she said skipping over to the bench I was sitting at.

"Uh yeah sorry about my leap out of existence for awhile I just been busy with"-

"With Carlos I'm guessing" she said cutting me off and saying exactly what I didn't want to say. That goes to show that I really shouldn't tell her everything but I was glad she already had an inkling of what happened.

"So I only got the sample of what happened between you too from what I saw this morning, so tell me what did you two do I have to know everything don't leave out any details." She said anxiously waiting for my response.

"Wait what did you see this morning?" She looked confused when I asked the question like I had said the weirdest thing she had ever heard.

"What do you mean I always look over to your house in the morning from my widow" Shelby do you have anything better to do than look at my family?" I asked

"No your family is way more interesting than mine" she acclaimed.

"Ok Harriet the spy I'll tell you but that means you can't go and tell everyone alright" she looked at me like I had just insulted her.

By the end of our conversation she seemed pleased with me, to no longer be the only non-virgin in our group was her life long dream. "Well have I fulfilled your gossip appetite?" I said smiling for my own victory. After we left the park we went to pick up Oscar and we went to the mall to hang out and catch him up on what has been going on.

"So looks like your having a good time at the other end of the rope aren't you" Oscar said winking at me.

"Hey I'm still the same Alyssa you love and adore" both of them rolled their eyes when I said that. I told them more about my time at Patterson high while we roamed the halls at the mall.

"So when do we get to meet the prince who has swept you off your feet huh?" she laughed when I made a face at her. Since they were so curious I decided to bring them along with me to a party that the juniors are throwing at an abandoned building, I thought this would be a good way to introduce them without it being awkward.

at the top-Connor

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