chapter 3

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So the time has come, I'm finally breaking ties with the world that has not suited me my whole life. Today is my first day of Patterson high and I have to say I'm more nervous than I have ever been going to school. Then again I knew how everything worked in that world and who was going to be there when I walked through the door. Since uniforms are not required at this school picking my outfit for today was a nightmare. So I decided to go with a look that says I'm not rich but I don't live in a shack either.

Walking up to the school I see kids hanging around the steps talking which is basically how our school is so I was less nervous, until I walked through the door. As soon as I walked in a monstrosity of teens are bustling in the enclosed hallways of Patterson high, and little ole me trying not to get trampled. Once I made it to my first class I took the last seat in the back trying not to alert myself to the others who I guess didn't really care.

Kids started piling in the classroom I thought it would never stop until I saw a somewhat familiar face but he turned around and I couldn't get a good look at him. As everyone was piling in the room and to the seats the teacher Mr. Chance started taking attendance as the names were being called I heard a voice that I swore I've heard before and then he called it "Carlos Sanchez, Carlos Sanchez" he yelled "I'm here teach" he yelled back. I was right that's him Carlos from the hotel how is he here right now he said he was staying at his uncles place in Hawaii.

I looked over at him and for some reason got so nervous that I started sweating I know gross but then when I looked back he met my gaze and I saw that confused look on his face that I had just moments ago. About an hour later the bell rang and our first class was over I tried hard to leave before he saw me and of course I ended up running into not him but his locker which happened to be right outside the classroom.

"I knew that was you," he said helping me up off the floor. "Are you like stalking me or what" Carlos claimed, how insulting I thought then I remembered I'm not supposed to be here. Quick think of something to say don't just stand there I thought to myself

"Oh hey sorry about my parents I didn't know my dad would react like that" I said apologetically, he laughed a little which made me blush for the first time ever.

"It's fine if I caught my daughter in a room with a half naked boy I would react the same way" Carlos winked when he said half naked which made me blush even more.

We stared walking down the hallway "hey so what happened that you ended up here?" he asked

"Well I guess the little trip of mine freaked out my parents more than I thought they said a needed an attitude adjustment so they sent me here" I answered.

"It was that bad huh?" he said with a smirk, trust me you have no idea I said to myself. After my first few classes Carlos and I decided to meet up at lunch and introduce me to some of his friends. I swear I've never been nervous in my life even when I was little and had to do those stupid pageants, I was never as nervous as I am right now. I was walking up to Carlos and his friends when out of nowhere this tall bright skinned girl came up to me and gave me this death stare.

I wasn't sure if I should stand my ground or run for my life. This girl was literally towing over me.

"So I saw you talking to Carlos earlier I just want you to know that if I ever see you talking to my boyfriend again you are going to regret it." She said fiercely, this was the first time I ever felt intimidated by someone. She turns around and starts walking in the direction of Carlos and his table so I decide to take the nearest exit and slip out of the room as soon as possible.

During six period I asked my teacher for a pass for the bathroom as I'm coming out of the classroom I see Carlos walking down the hall. Before I can make my escape we are face to face with each other and there is nowhere to hide.

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