chapter six

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We met up at Carlos's house before we went to the party and I introduced Shelby and Oscar to Carlos and his mom. Soon after some idle small talk we left the house and were on our way to the party. By the time we got there you could tell it was in full swing when we walked in you could see everybody dance and drinking and the DJ at the front of the place.

"So where do we start first drinking or dancing?" I said walking past the semi bar. Then I look to my left and see that Shelby has already made her choice she came back with three drinks in her hand I'm guessing that she drank her first one or second by the way she was swaying.

Shelby was always a lightweight even though she drinks more than me and Oscar combined. Once we were loosened up from the drinks we made our way onto the dance floor Carlos and me were together and both Oscar and Shelby were able to get some dance partners. After a couple of songs Carlos and I step outside to get some air, then he saw one of his friends where all the cars were parked. I tried to see who the guys were but I couldn't tell from where I was.

When he came back I asked him who they were but he just kind of brushed the question off. We went back inside for more drinks and to see where my friends went off. By the time we left the party Shelby had to basically be carried out by Oscar and Carlos to the car. Oscar drove her home and I stayed with Carlos and we went to a 24-hour diner close to his house.

"So who were your friends you didn't introduce me to" I asked, annoyed that I had to bring it up.

"They're no one special just some people I hang out with sometimes not important" he said. I know we haven't been together for a long time but I thought he would feel comfortable enough to let me know who his friends are at least I thought we were.

I dropped the question and we ate in silence until we were greeted by one of his "friends".

"Well looks like candy cane got a little something on the side" the guy who talked first was a tall guy with brown hair wearing a My Chemical Romance t-shirt on along with two other guys.

"Oh hey guys what are you doing around here I thought you were still at the party." Carlos said nervously, I couldn't tell what he was more scared of me knowing who they were or them finding out who I was.

"Well aren't you going to introduce us to you new girl Candy Cane" said one of the other boys. Carlos looked back at me and then at them and back to me again I felt like his head was going to spin.

"Yeah this is Alyssa, Alyssa this is Marcus, Sean, and Tyler we grew up together around here", he sounded like he was under investigation or something.

I saw that he was starting to get nervous so I started the conversation again my way.

"So how did you guys meet?" I spoke up and they turned their attention to me. Now I was starting to feel nervous, I didn't know these guys and they definitely came from the wrong side of the tracks.

After we talked for a little while longer they we left and went back to his car to drive me home. I wanted to bring up what happened but when I looked over I could tell in his face that he didn't want to, so I just kept quiet until we got to my house.

"Hey look I wasn't like trying to cut you out or anything I just know how they are and I don't want you to get caught up in anything." He said trying to sound sincere I tried to understand but all I could think of was that he was hiding something from me but I didn't want to leave on a bad note so I just shrugged my shoulders and said it was fine and walked up to my house without a goodbye.

That Monday I went to class and sat in my seat and waited for Carlos to enter late like he usually does. After a few minutes after the bell had rung he still didn't show up so I got my phone and texted him to see where he was. I texted him all through class and no response after lunch I decided to skip the rest of the day and go by his house.

When I got to his house I saw his car in the drive way as I was about to get out of the car my phone buzzed. When I saw the text I was confused so I decided to go up and knock on the door. Soon, after I rang the bell a couple of times he came to the door and he looked like he went back out after the party.

"So why did you just send me a text that said you were at the doctor's office when you are clearly not?" he looked at me like I was a ghost but, I guess he didn't expect me to come over. I thought he was going to pass out but then he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

"Alyssa what are you doing here I thought you were in school?" he sounded nervous again.

"I was but when you didn't show up and weren't answering my texts I wanted to come check on you" why was he acting so suspicious. When I looked at him his eyes looked like they were on fire and his hands were shaking, I never seen him like this before.

"So why didn't you come to school today?" I asked after he came out of the bathroom from cleaning up.

"I just didn't feel that good so I stayed home I didn't want you to get worried and I just woke up when I saw your texts" Oh I guess that makes sense I was just overreacting.

"But just tell me that you missing school doesn't have to do with those "friends" of yours does it?" I waited for him to answer but I guess that was his answer.

After basically getting nowhere with what happened to him I left and drove back home. "I just don't know if I believe him I mean how do I really know if what he said was true?" I said to Shelby on the phone.

"Look Alyssa don't worry about it he probably just slept late or so what if was with his friends does that matter?" why can't she understand what I'm feeling. But why should I be surprised right we live in two different worlds he has his life and I have mine.

at the top-Madison

Breaking TiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora