chapter 13

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On the way home my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and jump through the windshield. After we dropped off Shelby at her house and drove into the driveway my mother turned off the car but she stopped me before I could get out of the car.

"What is it mom?" I asked her confused by her actions. She had this expression on her face that I couldn't translate to which emotion she was in.

My mom looked up at me with a smile which total creeped me out, "honey, your farther and I talked about this whole pregnancy situation and we think its best that we get ahead of things before rumors start." she sounded so calm it scared me a little I didn't know where she was going with this and I don't think I was ready to find out.

"Well your farther and I think it would be best if you visted your grandmother in New York for awhile until we can figure things out." I couldn't belive what I just heard my own mother is trying to send me away like some criminal. I think the pregnancy hormones are starting to get to me cause before I knew it I felt wettness on my face I was crying.

"Mom I had sex and got pregnant I know but you don't have to send me away for it." I had starting crying hestrically at this point. My mother looked at me with those sad puppy eyes of her's. When she was trying to console me I jumped out of the car and ran to my room upstairs, so many emotions were going through me at this point. All I could do was think about Carlos and how I couldn't leave, him not like this.

My parents can't send me away I won't let them I mean I'm seventeen right. Adam comes into the room looking at me like a crazy person. It's more or less because when I looked in the mirror my hair was a mess and I had makeup running down my face which does give him reason to doubt.

"What, can I help you with something" I was screaming at him through moments of crying. He walked into the room and just gave me a hug, this was the first time since we were five that he showed me any true affection. He stayed with me the rest of the day and we just talked and not about mom and dad sending me away or the pregnancy.

The next morning I get a text from Carlos asking me about the doctor's appointment. I didn't know what to tell him so I texted him that I would fill him in on everything when I got to school.

When I got to school Carlos was waiting for me at the front doors. I walked up to him trying but not trying to avoid eye contact with him. His face soon changes and now he looks worried "Hey babe what's wrong? Is anything wrong with the baby, what happened at the doctor's office?" His questions were coming so fast I couldn't get a word in.

I grabbed his hands and led him inside "Carlos stop talking and listen, nothing is wrong with the babies ok the doctor said everything is fine and that I am about three months along." I looked up at him and he has this blank stare going on.

"Wait, did you just say babies?!" He said this as his smile returned.

"Yes, the doctor said that I am having twins but she isnt sure if they are identical or freternal yet" I was going to wait to tell him about the twins but my big mouth just had to ruin it. His smile grew to his whole face and I promise I saw tears coming from his eyes. Never have I seen a teenage boy so excited about having a baby especialy when it's twins.

Later on we met up back at lunch and again I see the one person I wish would just disappear. Tyler was the first person to greet us as we got closer to the table, I tried not to look him in the face. I realized not looking at him mean I was staring back at everyone else in the room who obviously knows about me already which is making this little incounter much more embarrishing for me.

"So how is our little baby momma doing these days huh?" Tyler said winking his eye at me. Carlos punched him playfully in the arm and told him to be quite. I didn't see the point though everyone in the whole state knew that I was pregnant. I can hear the whispers now how the new rich girl gets pregnant by the tough spanish bad boy its whats on everyones minds.

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