Old man, I need your help

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Y/n woke up earlier than usual to figure out what to do with s/n. She didn't want to risk her getting taken away again. Y/n decided that it would be best to leave s/n with an old friend of hers. One that she had met while on the streets. One that had trained her and believed in her when no one else would. One that she actually felt like she could trust. Grand Torino or at least that was his hero name you knew him as Toshi. The small man was not one to be messed with you quickly learned that while training under him. Though he cared for you he didn't know too much about your circumstances, therefore, he couldn't really help you. You were nervous since you haven't seen the elderly man since you were 8. But nevertheless, you couldn't risk s/n's safety. So you decided to suck it up and head over there. You walked over to s/n " S/n wake up I need to take you somewhere safe." S/n only mumbled inaudible sounds. 'Sigh' "ok then" You got s/n's things and packed them up. You got ready for school and picked up s/n and went to Toshi's house.

Time skip

You got to the man's front door then put down s/n. "N/n what are we doing here?" Your sister said in a quiet sleepy tone which only made you sadder that you had to leave her. You got down on her level and said "Listen s/n sometimes in life you have o do things that you don't want to do. Remember that time when you didn't want to go to the doctor because you were scared but in the end, they made you feel better?" "Y-yeah" "Ok well," you said with a sigh "I'm going to have to leave for a while." Your sister immediately got excited "where are we going!?" You frowned "No s/n it's just me this time. I have to go." Your sister's smile disappeared " B-but n/n I don't want to stay. Where are you going anyway?" Your sister huffed. "I have to s/n. ok? It's for your own safety." You said trying to stay strong but your sister retaliated "No no nooo I don't wanna stay. I'm sleepy and I just want to go home take me home." "S/n I'm going to leave you with someone I trust ok. He will take care of you. I don't know if it's safe to visit you. Here but I promise I'll come back to you." You held out your pinky. "I pinky promise s/n." Your sister starts to cry "B-but I d-don't w-want t-t-to be a-alone." You hug her "I promise he'll take care of you. His name is Toshi maybe he can even train you when you get your quirk." You immediately took that back remembering his brutal training. Your sister sniffles "O-ok n/n don't take too long. Ok?" You try not to cry "ok I love you s/n" "I love you too n/n"
You got up and rang the doorbell ding dong no response. You rang it again ding dong still no response. 'Uh' you go for the doorbell once more but before you get the chance to ring it you hear yelling "WHO IS RINGING MY DOORBELL THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING" You totally forgot the time and how most people would be sleeping by now. You heard the door open and out came a little man with an angry look on his face. Then suddenly the anger was wiped away and replaced with disbelief. "Y-y/n?" You haven't seen Toshi in so long you were surprised that he knew who you were but you assumed that it was your bright purple hair and deep purple eyes (or whatever color you want) gave away your identity. "How are you doing old man? It's been a while, hasn't it?" You rubbed the back of your neck (anime style) awkwardly. The man engulfed you in a hug "oh y/n I'm sorry if I pushed you too hard." You frowned at his guilty face you knew that wasn't the reason why you disappeared. It was because of your father. "Don't worry about it Toshi it wasn't your fault." He smiled then addressed the girl hiding behind you. "Who's the little one," he asks "This actually brings me to why I'm here her name is s/n and I need your help." "What did you do this time y/n you were always such a trouble maker in the past." You sweatdrop "Well I have to deal with something and I can't have s/n around for her own safety and I wanted to ask you if I could leave her here." "Of course she could stay. How long will you be?" "A f-few w-weeks or m-maybe m-months." You stuttered. "MONTHS! Y/n I'm going to need an explanation for this." You rubbed your neck again. "W-well my d-dad, he's back." You said and then Gran Torino's anger grew "I thought he was dead." "Hehe so did I" "Ok y/n be careful and don't do anything stupid." "Yes sir" You looked down at s/n and said "It's going to be okay" she looked up at you and nodded.
  You walk away from the house teary-eyed. You've never had to leave s/n for such a long time but you knew that this was for the best.

Time skip

You walked until you reached your classroom door you slid it open and took a glance around the room. It seemed like most of your classmates were there and talking amongst themselves. You shuffled to your seat and sat there without saying a word. You noticed a rather calm aura in the classroom. This was because Bakugo wasn't there. You were glad that he wasn't there because you didn't want to answer the questions that he surely had from the night before. But soon your peaceful time was disrupted. "MOVE OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY DEKU." You look up to see a very annoyed boy with spiky hair. You two made eye contact. He walked your way and smacks his hands down on your desk. "What the hell happened yesterday, princess" you look at him with tired eyes and then put your head down to go to sleep. "Bubbles," Bakugo said trying to remain calm. "What the fuck are you doing with a gang" You continued to ignore him. "DON'T IGNORE ME" he then grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and forced you to look at him. You stare at him with cold tired eyes and then punched him in the stomach. "AH WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM BUBBLES" You sat back in your seat. "My names y/n." "WHATEVER, ILL CALL YOU SHITTY GIRL NOW BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE JUST A SHITTY DAMN GIRL" The class sweatdrops at you two.

Time skip

In the lunchroom, you sat alone. You threw away your food and decided to sleep for the rest of lunch. But this was not allowed by the hedgehog you know as Bakugo. He went over to your table and started yelling. "WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME ANYTHING. YOU'RE SO FUCKING ANNOYING." You look up not wanting to deal with this. Right now all you wanted to do is escape reality by going to sleep. Maybe then you could dream about a world where everything went your way. "ANSWER ME, GODDAMMIT" You put Bakugo in an illusion that you were still there and went to a separate table to finally be able to take a nap. "Fuck off." your illusion said. "FUCK OFF? THAT'S WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY." The lunchroom goes silent 'is he talking to himself' they all thought. But he continued without having a clue of what you were up too. "Why are you so worried Bakugo do you actually care for me?" This pissed Bakugo off even more because once again he didn't know why he cared so much. "LISTEN, SHITTY GIRL, " He went in to go grab you by the collar of your shirt again. "I DON'T GIVE A SHI-" He goes straight through you. "Huh?" He realizes what was happening. "BUBBLES, YOU BITCH!" Your illusion disappears. You look up when your nickname was called. Were you really getting used to Bakugo calling you that? But your thoughts we're soon interrupted with Bakugo grabbing your wrist and dragging you away. But you use your quirk to stop one of his legs mid-air causing him to fall on the floor bringing you with him. As he was falling he did a quick flip so that he lands on his back instead of his face. You fall on top of him still trying to figure out what had just happened which was hard because of your sleep-deprived state. You hadn't realized that your quite large chest was on Bakugo's face. The lunchroom was surprised at the lewd position you two were in this started whispering about your relationship with Bakugo. "GET OFF OF ME" "huh? Oh" it all finally came to you. 'I really need sleep' you quickly got off of Bakugo and saw that his face was a deep shade of red and you were also a bit red from the situation too. You look down and fiddle with your shirt. "I-I'm s-sorry" you said honestly feeling a bit bad and really embarrassed. "YEAH YEAH WHATEVER" And he runs out of the lunchroom. (Wonder what he's going to do 😏)

Authors note

Hello there readers I just want to say a few things before I end this chapter

1. I have the story planned out and I think it will be around 30 chapters.

2. Bakugo and Y/n bonding time is coming soon.

3. Y/n seems kinda o/c ish and I'm sorry if you don't like that. Just a reminder you can change any aspect that you don't like it's just all in the imagination.

Have a swell day :)

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