The gang

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You went shopping for uniform with your little sister and found what you're looking for. You went to go try it on and it was a little tight. Usually, girls your size don't have the kind of body type you have. You decided that it was ok and you didn't have the type of money to get it fitted to your exact measurements. You took is to check out and flinched at the price of the uniform. 'I'm going to have to work twice as hard to be able to balance out my money again.'  "Hey n/n can we go get candy?" Soon your money troubles faded away because you lived to make s/n happy "Sure we can stop at a candy shop later today."

Time skip

Once you tucked s/n into bed you headed outside. Unlike other nights you didn't have work so today was a free day for you. You put some headphones on and played ( music genre) You walked to your special spot. It was a rock at the top of the city. It was a quiet vacant area no one could disturb you here. You laid down and let all your troubles fade away. But good things never last, for you at least. "BUBBLES ARE YOU STALKING ME! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE. WOW, YOU REALLY DO LIKE ME. WELL TOO BAD BECAUSE I DON'T." You knew that voice. It belonged to the boy named Bakugo. "First of all," you said trying to remain calm. "I was here first and second of all MY NAME IS Y/N."  You lost your temper. "Look shorty you're IN MY SPOT AND I SUGGEST YOU MOVE OR ELSE ILL MAKE YOU MOVE" you had enough of his shit and was ready to kick his ass. "IS THAT A CHALLENGE" "YOU BET IT IS" "WELL GET READY BECAUSE IM ABOUT TO KICK YOUR A-" You both turn your head to the new character to your right. Your anger suddenly turns to fear.'Oh shit, how did he find me I swear that I made sure I left no evidence to find me.'"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" You turn to Bakugo and punch him for how stupid he is. "WHAT THE FUCK BUBBLES" You look at him with eyes of worry. "ill excuse your bad mouth because your just a commoner but do it again and ill kill you. "COMMONER MY ASS TELL ME WHO YOU ARE" You sweatdrop at how Bakugo just disrespected the boss. "You're annoying me now just shut up" 'oh no'. The boss used his quirk (air manipulation) to push Bakugo of the cliff.  This is when you got out of shock and immediately stopped him from falling by compressing the air around him and turning it into a bubble force field But instead of bringing him back up you brought him down into the city. You couldn't get him involved with your mess. You turn to the only person left and said "What do you want b/n (boss name)" "You have no right to be rude to me when I took you in from the streets and taught you how to fight. I LOOKED AFTER YOU Y/N" you flinched at his voice. "No... YOU DIDN'T LOOK AFTER ME YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME ALL YOU SAW WAS A LITTLE GIRL WHO WAS CAPABLE OF DOING YOU DIRTY WORK." Your eyes began to tear up but you turned around to prevent him from seeing you cry. "Y/n" his voice softens "I built you up and taught you how to survive when nobody else did." He walked closer and put his hand on your shoulder. " And then you repay me by betraying my gang." His grip gets tighter. You wince at the pain. "So now you have two options come back to me or pay the price of your betrayal."I'll give you time to decide" You say nothing "And think about s/n wouldn't want her to get hurt." This angered you he doesn't deserve to say s/n's name. But as soon as you turned around to say something he disappeared. 'Fuck fuck what the hell do I do. I can't run now that I have s/n."  You begin to cry. Tears that you didn't know you had.


You have been running for a really long time now. Your legs begin to grow weak with every step you take. You can't take this anymore you need to stop. But you have no idea if they're still after you. In The distance, you spot a little girl with a man harassing her. The girl was crying so you decided to help. You ran towards the two and the scent of alcohol suddenly hit you. 'This man is drunk' you pushed the man off of the girl and asked her if she was okay. The girl only cried. The man got up again and used his quirk. You tried to make an illusion but you were too weak to fight back. Soon you blacked out. You woke up with a boy carrying you and the little girl to your side. "Where am I?" "Your safe now don't worry about it" "where are we going?" "The hospital" You jolt up if you go there they'll arrest you. "Hey hey calm down ill drop you" "I can't go to the hospital" you get out of his arms. "Why the hell not you're injured" you look at the boy then look away ashamed. "I c-can't tell you." "It's because of that damn tattoo on your arm isn't it?" You freeze "w-what?" "Don't think that I'm a damn idiot I know you're in the (gang name). They're all over the news how wouldn't I recognize that tattoo." "Fine, then you understand now.  I'll be one my way then." You turn and walk away "WAIT DON'T FORGET TO TAKE YOUR LITTLE SISTER!" You stop "My what." The boy sighs "Your little sister has been crying ever since you passed out." Your turn around "she's not my sister" "Ugh just take her back to the gang or whatever" the boy starts to walk away but turns again "Hey what's your name" You didn't know if you could trust him so you gave him a fake name "f/n"  the boy starts to walk away again. You watch him fade away 'I forgot to say thank you' then you hear a stomach growl and look down. You see the little girl. "Let's get you something to eat." You said with a smile.

End of flashback

As you cried silently you tried so hard to remember the boys face but nothing came to mind.
But your thoughts we're suddenly disturbed because you heard someone walk up. You look up and see Bakugo. You immediately wipe your tears away. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" you looked down then took your anger out on him. "NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS" Then you stormed away.

Authors note

I made a change in the story in the last chapter Y/n knew Bakugo's first name, Kastuki. Now she doesn't sorry but I think it's better this way. Also, the gang tattoo is on your shoulder around your collarbone area.

Have a great day :)

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