I really fucked up

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It was the end of the day and you were leaving work. But something felt off to you. You headed for your usual spot on the rock. But you couldn't shake off this feeling. Like always you saw Bakugo resting there. He turned around to yell at you. "I TOLD YOU TO FU-" You put your hand over his mouth. He struggled in your grasp. Bakugo broke free and started to yell again. "WHAT THE FUCK AR-" You used your quirk to stop his mouth from moving. You looked around searching for someone to connect the sounds to. Bakugo kicked you causing you to deactivate your quirk. "YOU BETTER TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON PRINCESS." "Bakugo the man you saw the other day he's back. I want you to ru-" You were interrupted by a deep serious voice.  "Princess? Oh, y/n when I first saw him I didn't think you would date such a loud prick like him. But it seems that I was wrong." Bakugo yelled "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A PRICK" You tried to silence Bakugo but he grew stronger with his anger. "There is no need to hush him y/n. I want to meet the boy that you chose to date. I am your father after all." This made you angry "You don't deserve that title." You spat venom at him. "Oh y/n you wound me. I took you in and made sure you had food to eat and a bed to sleep in." "YOU GAVE ME BREAD CRUMBS AND A CARDBOARD BOX." This made the man chuckle. "That's pretty good treatment compared to my other children y/n." Bakugo couldn't stand being ignored. "HEY BASTARD WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH Y/N." "Oh, where are my manners hello boy I'm y/n's father and I want her to come back to me. Now as my daughter's boyfriend I want you to fight me and start respecting me more." "BOYFRIEND MY ASS IM NOT DATING YOUR DAUGHTER SO YOU CAN FUCK OFF" "Oh what a pity I've seen your quirk before and I would have loved having it in my grandson. Nevertheless, you have yet to tell me your name." Bakugo smirked, "MY NAME IS KASTUKI BAKUGO REMEMBER IT BECAUSE ITS THE NAME OF THE GUY WHO'S ABOUT KICK YOUR ASS." Bakugo charged for him. "Not a wise fellow," your father said. You immediately stopped Bakugo knowing that if he challenged him he wouldn't make it out of there alive. "WHAT THE HELL Y/N LET ME OUT OF THIS" "BAKUGO YOU'RE AN IDIOT YOU CAN'T GO AROUND CHALLENGING GANG LEADERS LIKE THAT" "WHY THE FUCK NOT?" Bakugo yelled. Your father intervened  "Your quite a lucky boy, Bakugo if it wasn't for y/n's intervention you would have been a dead man. Anywho I've spent to much time here. Y/n ill be back in a few weeks or maybe months for your answer. In the meantime let this be a reminder of what will happen if you deny me."  Then one if your father's minions held s/n. She was crying and calling out your name. "Y/N HELP ME! I WANNA GO HOME PLEASE!" Your heart dropped. "HURT HER AND I KILL YOU AND ALL OF YOUR CREW" "Oh y/n don't worry ill give her back to you only if you're strong enough." And with that, he disappeared leaving you with his minion and your 5 year old sister in his hands. "GET YOUR DIRTY ASS HANDS OFF OF HER" You felt anger surge all over you. Without even thinking you charged over there. Two more minions made an appearance blocking you from getting to your sister. Bakugo felt so ready he hadn't had a real fight in so long. You took on the first one as Bakugo took the other. You quickly captured her with your quirk and threw her so far that you had no idea where she would land. Bakugo had finished his opponent and you went on to the guy who had your sister. You walked closer. "LET HER GO," you said "DON'T MOVE ANY FURTHER OR ELSE ILL KILL HER" He held a knife to her neck. You stopped. You couldn't activate your quirks something was stopping you. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING WHY CAN'T I USE MY QUIRK" Bakugo yelled. "ITS BECAUSE I HAVE THE ABILITY TO STOP ANYONE's QUIRK AS LONG AS THEY ARE AT A CLOSE ENOUGH RANGE." Then he froze and the illusion faded away. You and Bakugo were standing just above the range of his quirk. "W-W-WHAT" "DID YOU THINK WE REALLY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT YOUR QUIRK WAS? YOU'RE THE MOST WANTED CRIMINAL IN JAPAN." Bakugo said. "Now I suggest that you safely put down my sister and I might just allow you to live." You said with a menacing tone. You transferred your force fields to the knife he was holding and pulled it away. "Ok ok please spare me please have mercy I'm sorry" and he let go of your sister. You used your quirk to throw him the got down on your knees and hugged your sister. "S/n oh my God I was so scared. Are you okay?" You looked for any injuries. "No no n/n I'm ok thanks to you. You saved me I love you soooooo much." You start to cry "I love you too I promise I will never let that happen to you again okay." Bakugo didn't know what to do. He had so many questions but he decided he would ask them the next day. For now, he'll let you have your moment with sister.
That night your sister wanted you to sleep with her on the bed and you agreed wanting to keep her safe. You knew that this wouldn't be the end but you had to keep s/n alive no matter what. She's the only thing you have left. And no one could take that away from you. You wouldn't let them.

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