The first day

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You come back home trying to get b/n's( boss name) threat out of your head. You looked at s/n's sleeping figure. You had to do what was best for her. Your eyes began to tear up again. There was no way you could join g/n (gang name) again. You remember the gang's ruthless ways. If you didn't join you'd get killed and they'll kill s/n too. You couldn't imagine a world without s/n. 'Ugh, you just need to sleep.' Tomorrow was your first day at UA. Maybe with a good nights rest, you'll figure out what to do. That's the way it's always been. There was no one ever there to give you advice. That's why it's important that you care for s/n or else she might end up like me. And with that, you drifted off to a restless night.

You woke up to the sound of your alarm you jumped up excited for your first day of school. You quickly put you made breakfast for you and s/n then put on your uniform and headed for the door. "Bye s/n" "GOOD LUCK N/N!" You walked out of the door and went to school. Once you got there the nerves kicked in. 'It's been so long since I've had any friends maybe I could make some here."


You were 8 years old and everyone in your school was scared of you. You were never mean or anything but they knew that you beat up a whole group of bullies. Because of this, they kept away from you and from then on you didn't talk to anyone.

End of flashback

You walk in your class and gulped. You saw Bakugo arguing with another student. They both turn their head to you. You froze, your knees start to shake and your throat gets dry. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE" You just stare at him then your voice comes back "I BELONG HERE, YOU IDIOT." Yelling was one of your specialties so when Bakugo yelled at you, you suddenly got your confidence back. "I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY THERE IS NO WAY A LITTLE GIRL LIKE YOU TIED WITH ME!" This angered you "WELL MAYBE YOU'RE NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Bakugo snapped back "WHAT THE FUC-" He was interrupted by the other boy. "EXCUSE ME but that is no way classmates talk to each other." This brought you back to your senses. "whatever" you huffed and took a seat. Then the unknown boy walked up to you. "My name is Tenya Iida." He stuck his hand out to introduce himself. You shook his hand and said, "h-hi my n-name is y/n l/n." He smiled. "I hope we have a great year!" "Y-yeah" and with that, he went to go introduce himself to the other students who just walked in. You facepalmed at your stuttering. ' come on y/n you have to act confident or else they'll think your weak' Another student walked up to you it was a girl this time. "Hi, there I'm Uraraka" you look at her and made yourself look more confident. "Hello, I'm y/n." She was going to talk some more but was interrupted by your slug-like teacher. 'That's our teacher?' Then he gets out of the sleeping bag and talks.

Time skip

Mr. Aizawa announced the quirk apprehension test. As you waited you felt a tap on your shoulder your turned to see Bakugo "Good luck princess, your gonna need it." You just give him a death glare.

Time skip

You did pretty well at the quirk apprehension test and now it's time for lunch. You grab your lunch and look for a table to sit at you spot everyone sitting with someone. You didn't belong with anyone so you just sat at a table by yourself.

Bakugo's point of view

I found a friend I don't see him as competition at all. I could take him down in a heartbeat. I was looking around and saw bubbles sitting by herself. I kinda felt bad for her but I shook it off. I couldn't her off my mind after that night. What was she doing with that guy? Who was he? I heard a bit of their conversation when I was climbing back up the mountain. Then Bakugo looked back at her 'Ugh'

Y/n's point of view

As you were eating your lunch you see Bakugo and a spiky-haired boy walk towards you. They sat down at your table. You stared at them waiting for them to say something. "Hi, I'm Kirishima." "Oh um i-i'm y/n." You said and looked down "Well I guess you're the quiet type." The boy now known as Kirishima said. Bakugo chuckled "quiet my ass. This girl is feisty isn't that right bubbles." You look up now and smirked "hehe I guess now that you've exposed me," you said in a sweet tone. "MY NAME IS Y/N HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU." Bakugo smiles "There she is" Kirishima adds in "So I'm guessing you two know each other" "WELL, OF COURSE, WE KNOW EACH OTHER THIS GIRL IS LITERALLY STALKING ME!" "WHAT HOW AM I STALKING YOU." Kirishima sweatdrops he looks around and sees everyone looking at you two. "Okay okay let's calm down now." "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" you realize everyone was looking at you and immediately became red out of embarrassment. " eh?" Bakugo looks around "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR LOOKING AT YOU DAMN EXTRAS!" They all look away. "HEY PRINCESS" you corrected Bakugo "It's Y/N" " Sure whatever, you're going to have to tell me who that man was and what he wanted." He said in a serious tone. "I don't have to tell you anything" " YOU BETTER TELL ME" "or what?" You said then got up to leave. "BUBBLES IM WARNING YOU, YOU DON'T WANT TO CHALLENGE ME" you just left.
In your next class, you had some free time you saw Bakugo and Kirishima talking 'I don't think I'm invited back there anymore' You see a boy with green messy hair and decided to make your way up there and start a conversation. "Hey, I'm y/n. What's your name?" The boy seemed to get really nervous and looked at Bakugo's direction. "I u-um I-i'm M-Midoriya" He's just as nervous as I am. "Well, I-" you were interrupted "I'm not supposed to be talking to you" "huh? W-why not?" "I'm s-sorry b-but Bakugo told me to not talk to you." You turn to Bakugo and his eyes met yours he narrows his eyes and smirks. "O-oh ok then" you walk away.

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